Monday, December 19, 2016

DONTEN NI WARAU Live Action - Recent Update!! 😍

I just got excited seeing this new poster!! 

I'm jumping! I'm jumping! 😆😆😆😆😆 Haha.
Hoho..Yuma-kun seriously look really cool~ Really..Really..Really COOL!! 😍😭

Too bad that the movie was postponed to 2018. Haish...

Well, we just can wait patiently..huhu..

For those who doesn't know yet, this live action of 'Donten ni Warau' @ 'Laughing Under the Clouds' will release on February 2018. It's late right? 😑

The casts for the movie; of course UMAST's prince, Nakayama Yuma. He'll acted as Kumou Soramaru, the second brother of the Kumou siblings. His older brother, Kumou Tenka will be acted by Fukushi Sota, and the third brother, Kumou Chutaro will be acted by Wakayama Kirato.

And this is the other cast's character :-
- Furukawa Yuki as Abeno Sousei
- Kiriyama Ren as Kinjo Shirasu
- Daito Shunsuke as Takamine Seiichiro
- Kaji Masaki as Inukai Zenzou
- Ikeda Junya as Hayakage
- Wakaba Ryuya as Kiryu
- Okuna Eita as Raiga

Well, there's quite a lot of my favorite in this movie..Haha. But of course, the one I'm looking forward to the most is my most of the most favorite, Nakayama Yuma. 💕 I've already can imagine how he act as Soramaru. The Soramaru's character are quite emotional one (if you've read the manga or watched the anime you know what I mean), and that's Yuma-kun's speciality! Hihi. He's really good in exploded his emotion in acting, so I know. 😜

I'm suddenly remembered what Yuma-kun saying after the filming was ended; "It's fun and interesting acting together with the casts full of guys only..." Haha, something like that. If we think back, yeah..this is the first movie/drama that he's acted with bunch of male-artist like this. But the most important thing is that it's good to know that he has fun! Hehe.

Oh 2018, please hurry up come to us!!!!

I'd feel better if I can watch Yuma-kun's Cross-Heart while waiting for it. However the problem is I can't!! Why didn't I live in Japan?! Huhu 😭

Nakayama Yuma as Kumou Soramaru

Extra Pics :
Nakayama Yuma at musical 'Cross-Heart'!! 

Nakayama Yuma as Cesar

I don't know why but I love to link the update about Donten ni Warau with the musical Cross-Heart. Hmm..maybe because both involved sword? Haha.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Yuma's Close-Seniors~

Hey UMASTs....

We've heard many people comment that Yuma-kun look older than his age @ matured, since he acted in Koishite Akuma. Well, he do look matured. I remembered Nana-chan (Yuma's big sister) said once in an interview : "he might be my little brother, but he's like a big brother at home.." Yeah..I can imagine how he's at home. Hihi.

However at Johnny's..he doesn't look like big brother..he's more like a little brother or even like a son to some of senior artists at Johnny's. Haha. "We can't help but to look after him." I can't remembered who said this because it has been a long time ago, but it's one of the seniors that close with Yuma-kun.

Well, if you had seen any of Yuma-kun's moments with his seniors, you will see how cute he's with them. Haha. He's really like a little brat. Hehe ^^

He's close to many people. Because he's nice to everyone. Hihi. But we can say that, the one that's really really close to him is this four (in my opinion) :


Well..Yuma-kun has mention many times the names of 'Takizawa Hideaki' and 'Imai Tsubasa'. Even other Johnny's has heard it many times, including the juniors. And among of all these seniors, I think Yuma-kun close to Takki more.

 Yuma & Takki

Yuma & Tsubasa


As for Yara-chi..hmm..well, he's Yuma-kun's choreographer..of course they are close. If you see Yuma-kun's third single, Get Up! and Butterfly's making, and also YOLOze! Tour's documentary, you'll see how close they are! Not to mention, their's interview and talks for the recent musical's CROSS-HEART..

Oh well..I do said that I think Yuma-kun's most closest senior is Takki, but after I watch those..I also think that he's more closer to Yara-chi than Takki. Well..they've been together almost all the time after all. Sometimes, I even thought that Yuma-kun's style are almost similar to Yara-chi's. Haha.

Yuma & Yara


Err..yeah..he's not really a senior. Haha. But I categorized him as a senior because he's debut earlier than Yuma-kun and he's older than him, though it's only a year apart. Haha.

Both of them are already close since NYC. Of course. 

Yuma & Yamada

Right now, one thing that I can't understand is how some of HSJ's fans always comparing Yuma-kun and Yamada-kun, either their looks or talents. How irritating! Why do they've to compared between the two of them?! Each person has their own looks..their own points!! Yuma-kun is Yuma-kun. And Yamada-kun is Yamada-kun.

I do love Hey Say Jump, and I do love Yamada Ryosuke..but sometimes I just can't stand how the fans acted. Sorry, guys.

I still remember until now..there are times when Yuma-kun was asked which Johnny's he's close with and he answered that it's Yamada-kun. Yeah..they're close. So please don't make a distance between them, fans.....

Oh, and Yuma-kun are quite close with the other members of Hey Say Jump. Well, he has been joined their concerts when he's in NYC after all. Maybe because of that they're close. And there's even a question why should Yuma-kun debut as a soloist rather than being the 10th member of Hey Say Jump? Yeah..there's even a demand for this. Haha.

Well..that's the four people that I talked about; Takki, Tsubasa, Yara-chi, and Yamada-kun.

Of course there's other Johnny's that Yuma-kun close with! Such as the kansai artist, especially the ex-member of 7 West. Hmm..among the kansai's, I think Ryusei-kun is the one that love Yuma-kun the most. Haha..I don't know why, but I do think so.

And Yuma-kun is also quite close with Uchi Hiroki. There's also Fo-Yu who's has been together with Yuma-kun in Playzone. I remembered Tatsumi-kun said this : "I think we (Fo-Yu) have been a regular for Yuma's events". Yeah, I think Yuma-kun invited them almost to all of his events. Haha.

Oh well..if I've to talk about this topic, there's gonna be no end! I think I'll stop here. Well, you UMASTs of course know the one's that are close to our prince. Hihi.

As a closure, I want to thanking all of these seniors and the Johnny's for always take a good care of Yuma-kun. Hope you all will always be like that now and forever! ^^

Sincerely from,
UMAST_Kina Ayumi.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Nakayama Yuma New Image!!

Because of Yuma's recent filming for his new drama, he has changed his image. A lot! Just for the drama. I've seen all of Yuma-kun's images since his first joined Johnny's. But this is the very first time I see this type of Yuma..haha..

This image :-

My first impression? OMG!! Of all this years, this is the first time ever I see Yuma-kun's hair this short. Haha. And because of that, I don't know how to respond to it. With this kind of style, he's cute. Really cute! But it's also cool! And it's kind of hot too!!! I don't know how to express it! Anyway, it's not something that we'll always see..haha XD

Once again, I got to see the new side of Yuma-kun. Hihi.
Seriously, I love you~~~~!! <3 XD XD

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Nakayama Yuma Popularity(?)

Once, my friends asked me : Why would I like Nakayama Yuma more instead of Arashi or Hey! Say! Jump or Yamashita Tomohisa? They are more popular than Yuma. They've more fans than Yuma. They are more talented than Yuma. We can say that they're the one that in lead in Johnny's, including Akanishi Jin that have leaved few years ago. There's even Kat-Tun and Kis-My-Ft2. As for in the kansai region, there's Kanjani8, and also Johnny's West that are recently gaining more and more fans. So, why Nakayama Yuma? - That's what they said to me.

Well..I do knew that. It's a fact that all Johnny's fans know. Even I'm start watching them because there's words about them here and there. And from them also I got to know Yuma. However, we can't say that Yuma's popularity are much more smaller than others. It's actually more than us can imagine. Even I'm quite surprised with it.

Because of Yuma, I've make a few accounts to write about him. One of it is this blog, and there's also Youtube's channel. I'm actually not really into SNS or websites or channels, etc. Or in other words, I'm quite hate it. But, it's different after I knew Yuma. If I can, I want to write about him everyday. If I can, I want to say something about him everyday. If I can, I want to post anything about him everyday. After I knew him I got to know the world of a fan. Haha.

Anyway, because of this, I got to know about Yuma's popularity.

It's not only Japan!! There are also many UMASTs from all other countries around the world! Well, that's including me too. There's Thailand, Philippines, Peru, Malaysia, Indonesia, United States, Russia, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Switzerland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Brazil, Canada, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Mexico. Ukraine, United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Australia, Romania, Qatar, Italy, Chile, Poland, Sweden, Bangladesh, Puerto Rico, Tanzania, Colombia, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Greece, Sri Lanka, Hungary, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Nigeria, Denmark, Greenland, Georgia, Brunei, Myanmar, New Zealand, Vietnam, South Africa, Kenya, Iraq, Norway, Albania, Bolivia, Lithuania, Estonia, Austria, Nepal, Serbia, and even South Korea. (Oh, I ended up list it all. Haha. XD)

There's even countries that I've never heard of! It's quite amazing, right? Who said Yuma's popularity are less? Well, I do think so before. Haha.

But I also realized something else. It's true that Yuma's popularity are quite smaller than others, however...I can say this with confidence and with my pride as an UMAST : Yuma's ground as an artist are really SOLID!! It's really had a strong base! Even his popularity are getting more and more bigger time after time. It's getting more and more wider than before.

Even he's need to work harder because he's not a naturally good dancer..Even after he's got smashed with lots of negative comments from BI Shadow and HSJ's fans..Even after he's got tangled with the false rumor (about him getting married) few years ago..Even there's more and more challenging things happened to him..Even after all that, he's still standing firm on his place with smile and without any arrogant, even after 10 years has already passed. That's what I love the most about him. Haha.

"Has fun!" - we can say that's Yuma's principle. If you've ever watched his documentary or makings, you might agree with me. ^-^ . Even on his performance, we can see how he's having fun with it. It's not only me, there also his seniors at Johnny's said so. 'It's one of Yuma's advantages and good-points!' he said.

There's also something else that I've realized after awhile. Almost all of UMAST had the same reasons why they love Yuma the most. I'll list the one that I remember for now. Why we love Nakayama Yuma? Here's the reasons :-

  • He has a cute and sweet smile; we end-up smiling everytime we saw that smile.
  • He's got a unique voice.
  • He's always perform his performance with feelings - fun/sad/love songs.
  • He's really a hard-working person in anything that he do.
  • He's nice to everyone around him; family, friends, juniors, seniors, workers, and even fans.
  • He's really a good actor; can act different types of characters.
  • He has many talents; singing, dancing, acting, stage plays, baseball, cooking, a few simple magics...etc.
  • He doesn't has a fixed style (like most of other artists); sometimes he's cool, sometimes he's hot, sometimes he's cute, sometimes he's charming, sometimes he's funny, sometimes he's quiet. sometimes he's talkative, sometimes he seems childish, sometimes he seems mature..he shows many different sides of him everytime.
Erm..I think I need to explain more about the last reason. You all realized that most of artists had their own style, either their personalities or their songs, or even their characters in drama. Most of them had a specific style. However, Yuma is not like that. Look at his songs, PVs, and performance. Maybe you'll know what I mean.

Well, I'm actually not really like the artist that had a specific style. For example, the Korea's idols (K-pop). Everytime we mention K-pop, almost all of us will think the same thing. K-pop = powerful dance. That's the style that I meant. Because most of K-pop's idol had the same style that I loss interest in them. It's the same for Exile's. And this is the reason I love Johnny's more than others. Because almost all Johnny's artist are sometimes had a childish songs, sometimes sad songs, sometimes had powerful dance for their know what I mean, right?

But, above of's Yuma-kun. He's the most that showed that. <3

Well, it maybe because he has joined various groups with different styles and images. Such as when he's with 7West, the style are something When with NYC, it's a cheerful images. And when he's in PLAYZONE it's kinda give a 'hot' images. Haha.

Anyway...Yuma-kun saikou, desu!!!!!! XD

'On first impression, you'll think that Yuma is like a person that can do anything...' this is what Tatsumi said before about Yuma-kun.

End of story! I've wrote long enough, Haha. I've got exam tomorrow, so I've to start study now. Huhu. As a closure, I hope Nakayama Yuma will gain more and more and more fans from now on~ So my fellow UMASTs, let's we all spread our love for Yuma-kun to the whole world!!! XD

Kina Ayumi.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Nakayama Yuma (中山優馬) New Drama 'Hokuto' 2017!!

Hey UMASTs!!! Good news for us..haha XD

As the post's title has's about Yuma-kun's new drama series!! I knew there's gonna new project for him next year. Why? Because movie 'Donten ni Warau' was postponed? Haha. But, it's kinda a bit disappointed because there's only 5 episodes..Huhu..

Anyway, here is it :-

Drama : Hokuto
Station : WOWOW
Scripwriter : Takimoto Tomoyuki
Original Work : 2012 novel 'Hokuto Aru Satsujinsha no Kaishin' by Ishida Ira
Cast : Nakayama Yuma
Release : March 2017
Episodes : 5
Synopsis :
20-year-old Hokuto (Nakayama Yuma) is being detained as a murderer and tells his court-appointed lawyer Takai Soichi to get him the death penalty. Hokuto was actually severely abused by his parents in his childhood and starved of love. He met Kondo Ayako who became his foster mother through child welfare services and learnt love for the first time. Released from the darkness of his mind, he started to feel like a new person but he is made sport by bizarre fate and becomes a murderer.

During filming of the drama series, Yuma Nakayama dropped 12 kilograms to portray his character. Poor Yuma-kun~ T^T Please be strong!! We're here to supported you. Huhu. Once again, his character are far-away from his real personalities. There's no cutie Yuma-kun here. Haha~ :p

Then, this is Yuma-kun's comment for this drama series :

During the audition, I clearly remember how powerful and distructive words are. For the first time I have met Hokuto, I re-read the script and at that moment for the first time I worried that "I have responsibility in this one".
At one moment when this wonderful work was given to me, I can't stop trembling. Although I am feeling anxious, I was fascinated having to meet the director, and I can boast that I was able to stand until the end. Until now I can't forget the words said by the director "The volume of everyone's sweat and tears had been shed into this work, then the rest is how far will it take us to properly do it"
My role, Hashizume Hokuto was abused and then became a murderer but, he is just a normal person who "wanted to be loved".

In this work, certainly there are scenes that you just want to cover your eyes because it is too cruel. But still, please watch Hashizume Hokuto's life until the end.


Trailer Hokuto 15 sec Ver.

Trailer Hokuto 30 sec Ver.

Btw, just wanna of my favorite korean actor, Kim Soo Hyun, also gonna appeared with a new movie!! Of course you all know him, right? The movie's title is Real and it'll aired in 2017, also. The cameo with Suzy and IU are also makes me jumped excitingly. And not to mention..the genres are quite similar with Yuma-kun's Hokuto. Well, not 100% similar..but quite. How can this happening?! Haha!! Can't wait also to see Soo Hyun. But, of course the one that I'm anticipating more is Yuma-kun. <3

Hokuto & Real

Kim Soo Hyun

Monday, October 17, 2016

Donten ni Warau...POSTPONED?!!

I'm a bit sad right now. Why? Because Yuma-kun's next movie "Donten ni Warau" gonna postponed it's aired time from 2017 to 2018. It's tooooo LATE!!! I've already getting really excited with it..huhu =_=;

Actually I've already knew this last week..but I can't write it at this blog due to my heart-broken. Haha.

However....! There's also good news, of course. Yuma-kun is going to perform another SOLEIL next year. It's on April if  I'm not mistaken. It's really really a good news for anyone who love to see Yuma-kun's stage plays. ^^

Ah. And There's also another info coming from Yuma-kun, himself. The rehearsal for musical 'Cross-Heart' has already begun! Yay~ Can't wait to see Yuma-kun swinging his sword. Haha! But this situation, makes me remember Yuma-kun's act on 'Samurai Tenkosei'..suddenly. Maybe because it's involved action (?) Ahh...his scene with Shige at the end of that movie are really fascinating me! Oh god, I think I'll watch that movie again. Hehe.

Okay. That's it.

Yuma-kun, good luck with your rehearsal~ <3

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Generation After Generation

I don't know why I suddenly want to write about Yuma-kun's family's members. More accurately, about his sisters. Maybe because I just knew that his little sister has already joined NMB48. Haha. Ah, and I also just knew that Nana-chan is already graduated from that girl's group.

To tell you the truth, I don't really know about AKB's sister groups...including NMB. Well..I do watch NMB's performance and Nana's songs sometimes. But honestly, I did that actually thanks to Yuma-kun. If not, I don't think I'll do the same. It's not that I hated them. NOT for that reason. It just that... like I've told you before...before I know Yuma-kun, I see all the artists and idols as the same level. Even for ARASHI that are known world-wide, their place in my heart are the same as the juniors. Please don't misunderstanding. The 'level' that I meant here is my 'love' for them. Of course I see some of them are more the best than the others. But my love for them are just the same. Simply put, I don't biased with anyone.

That's also for AKB and the sister groups. Before, I don't even know that there's sister groups for AKB48. I just thought that ALL of them are from the same group, AKB. As for the sister groups at the other countries (for example : Indonesia), I thought that they are copying AKB's style. Haha. Sorry, girls~

Anyway, I've watched AKB48 for a long-time...since I'm still a kid. But, for NMB48, I'm only started watch them after I know Yuma-kun. Only after I knew that his older sister are a member of that girl's group. As for the other sister groups...sorry...The only girl-idols that I'm interested in since before, is only AKB48. I've never watch the others until I knew about Nana-chan.

Okay..enough for the AKB and it's sister groups. Back to Yuma-kun and his sisters!

Between the three siblings, only Yuma-kun that use their own-family-name; Nakayama. Both of  Nana-chan and Suzu-chan use 'Yamada' as their stage name. Why? Hmm...I don't really know the reason. But from what I've heard before...Nana-chan used it because she doesn't want to be labeled together with Yuma-kun. She want to have her own identity. As for Suzu-chan, because she joined the same group as her sister (?) Well, it's quite weird if they use the different surname when they're on the same group. right? - It's just what I've heard before. It's not really the truth, though.

The most interesting story between this three siblings that I've knew :
1) Nana-chan was the one that suggested Yuma-kun went to Johnny's audition and the one that supported him the most to be an idol.

2) Suzu-chan was the little sister that cried in Yuma-kun's shoulder, the night before he went to Tokyo. Yuma-kun told this story at one of his interview before. Remember?

Do you have other interesting stories for this three kansai's siblings? Please share it~ Hehe.

Anyway, good luck for Nana-chan even she's already done with NMB48. And good luck for Suzu-chan as one of the 5th generation's member for NMB48. As for more to say...your happiness is the only things that we care for, as UMASTs~ Hihi  ^-^

[ Yamada Nana - Nakayama Yuma - Yamada Suzu ]

Monday, October 10, 2016

[VIDEO] Nakayama Yuma 中山優馬 10th ANNIVERSARY

At last....I got to post this video. Can't be help but post it late because of the too slow line!! -__-

Anyway, once again...Happy 10th Anniversary Yuma-kun. :)
You'll always be the happiness of my life~ Thank you for all of your hard-works for this whole 10 years. We know that you're always tried everything you can with everything you do. However, even with those hardships and hurdles, you've always stayed in smile. That's why your smiles are very very very precious..hehe..That's the Yuma-kun that I know, at least...

Your smiles are the source of our (my) smiles~ :) :) :)

Just remember, there is us behind, infront, and besides you...Just continue your journey as you're right now. We'll always be alongside the roads that you walk!!

Kina Ayumi.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Nakayama Yuma 10th ANNIVERSARY!!!

中山優馬  10th Anniversary!

Hey UMASTs!!! It's finally D-Day!

What's day today?
It was none other than Yuma-kun's and our's - as UMASTs - special day...8th October 2006, the day Yuma-kun joined Johnny's. It has been already 10 years since Yuma-kun joined it! 10 YEARS!! Otsukaresama desu, Yuma-kun~

To Yuma-kun,
Happy 10th anniversary~ Thank you for always make us proud of you. Thank for always make us smile and make our days full of happiness for this 10 years. I hope this happiness will continue for the next 10 years and the years after...Well, I'm actually hope it doesn't end and will last forever. Haha.

Before I knew Yuma-kun, I've like various artist at the same time. It's more like...I like their songs and dances...KPOP and JPOP...I like both of them. However, there's no specific idol that I biased for. My interest in them all are same.'s different for Yuma-kun. Once I knew him, I want to know more!! I'm gradually get more and more interest in him. And now, there's no artist that stay in my heart other than NAKAYAMA YUMA. Hehe., I do like others, but not at Yuma-kun's level. We can say that my love for Yuma-kun is 90%. The remaining 10% are for other artists. Everyday...I must hear his songs. Everyday, I'll searched about him in net. Everyday, I want to know the new updates about him. But it's not like that for the others. Hihi.

Why do I love Yuma-kun this much?'s gradually grown bigger and bigger as I know more and more about him. The more I know about him, the more I love him. The more I found about him, the more I want to know! Anyway, if you ask me the reasons I love him sooooo much...I can't really say it. There's too many reasons! XD

Yuma-kun's songs..his performances..his dramas..his stage plays..his smiles..his attitudes..his stories.. I'm just simply love all about him~ I've love him for this whole 10 years. I'll love him for the next 10 years..and I'll love him FOREVER!! <3 <3 <3

Nakayama Yuma-kun...Aishiteru!!!!

Kina Ayumi.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Anime "Battery"

Do you remember Yuma-kun's first drama? The drama titled "Battery". Have you watched it? I've watched it many times!! Haha..

The anime for the drama has been out!!
When I knew about it, I jumped excitingly!!! Haha...It's the anime version of Yuma-kun's drama! Isn't it exciting?!

However, this is the first time I found an anime was released after the drama/movie. It's always anime before drama/movie, right? hehe..

Well..I'm gonna watch the anime now~ (^-^)



Monday, September 5, 2016

Yuma-kun as Actor

I just watched all Yuma-kun's drama once again. And once again, I'm touched by his acting. Well, he's really an amazing actor, without a doubt. If you ask me which character that I love the most, I would say 'Narumi Hikaru/Hiro'. I really love Yuma-kun's character in drama 'Piece'.

However, the character that touched me the most is in drama 'Pin to Kona'. Well, maybe because he have to conveyed more feeling in this drama. In the early episodes, I'm really get annoyed at Hiroki. And at the later episodes, I'm really cried non-stop because of Yuma-kun too.

Ohhh..Yuma-kun really is an amazing actor!
Not to mention, most of his character in dramas are really different from his real character..
I want to watch 'Haunted Campus' and 'Donten ni Warau'!!!


 'Koishite Akuma'


 'Pin to Kona'

'Smoking Gun'

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Donten Ni Warau

I just done watching the 'Donten ni Warau's anime last night. I never knew that this anime exist. I only knew after I knew that Yuma-kun will be cast on the live action. Haha.

It was good, really~
Somehow, after watched the anime..I can imagine Yuma-kun's acting in the movie. I really can't wait for the movie release!! Can't wait to watch Yuma-kun~

But, how come there's no Yuma-kun's official character's introducing for the movie, or at least his photo as Soramaru. All I can find is Sota Fukushi's, Furukawa Yuki's, Wakayama Kirato's, and the other two. So how come there is no Yuma's?!!

if there is anyone that found his photo, please do tell me okay..Hehe

# Donten ni Warau Live Action


And not to mention, Yuma-kun's next stage play are about to start!
The musical are also involved sword.
Yuma-kun is all about sword this year. Haha~!


As we know, monomane is one of Yuma-kun's favorite. All UMASTs knew this, right? Hehe. And not to mention, Yuma-kun is really good with monomane! He has showed his talent in monomane in many TV's shows, talks and concert.

Out of all Yuma-kun's monomane that I've watched, this one is my favorite :

Nakayama Yuma - Monomane Medley @ Mujock 160701 :

Friday, September 2, 2016

Yuma's Mum's Letter

Actually this had been posted a long time ago. It just that...I just found it. Haha. Anyway, I'm just gonna post it, for myself who get touched by their relationship, for anyone who doesn't read it yet, and for those who already read but somehow want to read it again. Haha.

Yuma-kun and Uchi on TakkiChannel,both got letters from their mum~~ So here's the English translation of Yuma's letter:

It’s almost 17 years since Yuma was born, the moment when you’re born, the moment when you stood up at learnt to walk, they’re all just like yesterday, Yuma was very timid, cries a lot, even though you’re a boy, is that really okay? It was really worrisome; during 1st grade in elementary school I’d hope that Yuma would become stronger, like a man, that’s why I forced you to join the baseball club. Although at the beginning it didn’t feel very exciting, but for 6 years you have kept it up and worked hard. For those 6 years Yuma and I have cried together, laughed, many things happened, left a lot memory.

Ever since then Yuma really did become manly, become a strong and brilliant child. When I had a fever, you quietly helped out with the domestic work, when I was late for work you helped me look after your little sister, even now I still feel very thankful.

It is this Yuma that entered Johnny’s entertainment. The night before leaving home to film in Tokyo for the first time, do you still remember you slept in the middle of mum and dad? Although Yuma always slept in a bed by yourself, on that day you didn’t say anything and just slept together with us.

Even though Yuma is a child who doesn’t talk much, but you’re also a child that we miss easily. Although we don’t spend much time together now, please don’t change; continue down the road like the way Yuma is.

Although now we’re far apart, but the whole family will keep supporting you. Gambatte, Yuma!


Yeah, this is Nakayama Yuma that we'll know! He's exactly how I imagined~
Gambatte ne, Yuma-kun!!!

Tokoton Got It!

Just got the chance to upload this song's PV. This single was released on the same year as 'YOLO Moment' and it gave a summer-feeling. Most of the songs in this single are energetic. Somehow, I felt happy just with hearing it. Haha.



Watch the Making Here : Part 1 | Part 2 | Chokinbako

Saturday, August 20, 2016

[LYRICS] Feeling Me Softly

Feeling Me Softly

Feeling me softly..softly..

I wanna know afure dasu kotoba
Nazeda ka wakaranai uchi ni
Mune ni shimatte ita nda boku wa okubyo de

Hitori no yoru wa kino yori
Kowakute kodoku ni kanjiru
Konna kimochi wa ima made nakatta yeah, yeah

I wish for you futari no unmei tashikameru check, check
Akai ito de bokura wo tsunaide yo
Kimi mo onaji kokoro de iru no ka o
Tashikame ni ikukara mattete hoshi

Nandomo nandomo kakushi tsudzuketa kotoba
Todoketakute boku wa hashitta
Zutto sukida to kokoro no naka sakende woah, woah

Feeling me softly, softly
Kimi ga boku wa tsuyokusuru
Feeling me softly, softly
Feeling me softly

I need your love honto no kimochi
Shiru no ga kowai dakedatta
Boku wa dare no sei ni shite imanani o shiritai?
Yuki wo daseba kawaru kamo
Kimi wo mamoreru yona hito ni
Kotae wa nai kedo chotto shiritainda yeah, yeah

I love so much todoketai omoi o ima mata check, check
Nani no kejime mo tsuke rarenai boku ga
Kono chisana ippo wo fumidashita toki ni
Asuno kimi wa waratte kureru ka na?

Nandomo nandomo saki nobashi ni shita mirai
Ima kara tsukamidori ni ikou
Kitto shinjiru omoi yo kimi ni todoke woah, woah

Kissing you softly, softly
Kimi no kokoro ni kisuwoshiyo
Kissing you softly, softly
Me wo tojitara
Kissing you softly

Chotto dake kimi ga sono ai wo kuretara
Sore dake de hoka ni nani mo iranai
Negai nante sore ijo nai ndakara yeah kimi ga subete
Hontoni daijina mono
Kimi ga boku ni oshiete kureta


Nandomo nandomo kakushi tsudzuketa kotoba
Osaerarenai kimochi wo ima
Kimi ni todoke yo kotae wa ude no nakade woah, woah

Feeling me softly, softly
Sotto kimi dakishimete
Feeling me softly, softly
Feeling me softly...

**Feeling Me Softly is the theme song for Yuma's movie; Haunted Campus

[LYRICS] 1th Album: Chapter 1


ame ga furu oto mo taretezu ni machijuu wo rinkaku wo aimai ni shinagara
guuzen ni kimi wo mikaketa mioboe no aru kooto de kousaten wo yuku

Flash Back boku no te wo furihodoita kimi no hoo wa nureteiru
hikitomenakereba owari to shitteite boku wa ugokenai

kimi wo ayamachi sae mo minai furi de yurushite
yasashisa ga sabishii, to kimi wa utsumuita
toki wo makimodosetara tsuyoku dakishimeru no ni
ari no mama no jibun ni jishin ga nakatta

you were my girl, my girl tebanashite
you were my love, my love ki ga tsuita
choboke na boku no sonzai ni
toki ga tattewakaru kesenai omoi

oikakete koe wo kaketara kimi wa donna hyoujou de boku wo miru darou
mae yori mo kirei ni natta atarashii koi wo shite shiawase to wakaru

Flash Back ano yoru no koukai gai ima mo mune wo shimetsukeru
kimi wa dore dake no manida wo nagashite boku wo wasureta no

subete wo ubau you na koi ni okubyou sugite
soba ni itemo fuan to kimi wa fureteta
ima no boku nara motto umaku mukiaeru no ni
kimi ga mitsumeteru no wa mou boku ja nai

you were my girl, my girl ushinatte
you were my love, my love ki ga tsuita
arifurete mieta shiawase ni
toki ga tattewakaru kagayaita hibi

setsunai itami hodo hontou no tsuyosa to yasashisa ni kawaru
soshite deau hito to itsuka mata arukidaseru

miyageta sora no kanata hikari ga sashikonderu
mou sugu kono ame mo tomu toki ga kuru
sora ni hirogatteyuku akaneiro no kagayaki
hitoigomi ni magireteyuku kimi wo terasu yo

you were my girl, my girl omoide wa
you were my love, my love wasurenai
bokutachi wa betsu no michi wo yuku
kousaten no mukou sora wo miageta

Eng Translation: Lyric's translation


Kimi no amai kaori ni nokku & daun
Kimi kara mega hanasenai
Sukoshi koshikunerase aruiteru
Mou dou ni mo naranai

Datte ki-re-i sugiru (beautiful)
Sono koshi sekushii
Sono ke ni saseru nayamashii koe
Konya kimi ni kimeta

`Nandemo shite ageru yo'
Nandemo surusa, nan datte
Konya wa
Nandemo itte, nan datte
Sono kuchibiru rippu nugutte
Hakujō suru yo
Hoshii no wa kissu… kissu…
Ah, ah, I just wanna kissu… kissu…
Hoshii no wa kissu… kissu…
Ah, ah, I just wanna
Girl, oideyo

Fukaku kangaecha dame non non non
Itsumo bokura jiyuusa
Ki ga muitara mata kureba ii
Ima o tanoshimou

Datte ki-re-i sugiru (beautiful)
Sono kami sekushii
Sono ke ni sa sete kureru no nara
Mata tanoshimou yo

`Nandemo shite ageru yo'
Nando mo surusa, nando demo
Konya wa
Nandemo itte, nan datte
Sono kuchibiru kami kakiage
Hakujō suru yo
Hoshii no wa kissu… kissu…
Ah, ah, I just wanna kissu… kissu…
Aji awasete
Hoshii no wa kissu… kissu…
Ah, ah, I just wanna
Girl, oideyo

Baby, Oh
Koko ni oide
HAGU to KISU o kurikaesou
Wanna hug, wanna kiss shite ageru
Tonight kimi dake

Nandemo surusa, nan datte
Konya wa
Nandemo itte, nan datte
Sono kuchibiru rippu nugutte
Hakujō suru yo
Hoshii no wa kissu… kissu…
Ah, ah, I just wanna kissu… kissu…
Hoshii no wa kissu… kissu…
Ah, ah, I just wanna
Girl, oideyo 

Eng Translation: lyric's translation

Mai Koi

Kotoba o tada nabete sore wa nanika o kakusu ka no you ni
Kuchibiru kasaneta sore ga saigo no nukumori datta

Fuyu ga kaori sono tabi ni omou iro asenai mama no futari ga
Koboreta namida ni kimi ga utsuru sore ga tenohira de hitotsu hajiketa

Koi wa yuki no you ni hakanaku tokete wa
Futari o shiroku somete
Sayonara, sayonara to maiagare yume yo
Sono senaka ni zutto eien o kasaneteta

Kioku ga hanashikakeru sore wa ima demo kawaranai hibi
Sukoshi hiroi heya ni kimi no egao ga mieteta

Machi wa hikari koibito ga tsudou me wo tojite ano hi o omotteta
Afureta namida ni kimi o omou nidoto modorenai toki o kanjita

Koi wa hana no you ni hakanaku chitte wa
Kokoro ni toge o nokoshi
Sayonara, sayonara to shinjiteta yume yo
Kono sora ni zutto eien o sagashiteta

Kieru koto wa nai omoide ni natte mo
Sabishigena sono hitomi wa itsu made mo boku no naka ni…

Koi ga owaru you ni mai ochita yuki ga
Boku no jikan wo tomete
Koi wa yuki no you ni hakanaku tokete wa
Futari o shiroku somete
Sayonara, sayonara to maiagare yume yo
Sono senaka ni zutto eien o kasaneteta

Eng Translation: lyric's translation


Dareka to jibun no koto o kurabete wa Oh Baby Baby
Mata ookina tameiki o tsuiteru Oh Baby Baby
`Naze boku wa aitsu no you ni umaku ikirarenai no?'
Sonna no kotae mo nai no ni

Kedo kimi wa konna boku demo daisuki datte
Itte kureru kara

Hey baby doko made mo doko made mo
Iku yo Me & You, Me & You
Kono mama Oh… Oh…
Sore nara gomakasanai gomakasanai
Sunao ni Who I Am, Who I Am
Ashita mo bokurashiku ikiru yo
Michi ni mayou koto mo arukeredo
Donna toki mo ari no mama no boku de iyou

Oh… Oh…

Kyou mo kagami no naka no jibun o mite Oh Baby Baby
Kimi wa chiisaku tameiki tsuiteru Oh Baby Baby
`Watashi mo ano ko mitai ni suteki ni naritai' tte
Ima datte juubun na no ni

Datte boku wa egao de yume o katatte iru
Kimi ga daisuki dakara

Hey Baby koete ku yo koete ku yo
Kimi to Up & Down, Up & Down
Sore demo Oh… Oh…
Jibun ni uso tsukenai uso tsukenai
Mitsuketa Who I Am, Who I Am
Hokori ni omoeru hi ga kuru yo
Dareka ni ushiro yubi sasarete mo
Ki ni sezu tada ari no mama no kimi de ite

Tsumazuite mo (Alright) warawarete mo (Alright)
Boku wa bokurashiku mune o harou
Kakko warui koto mo hazukashii kako mo I will be Who I Am

Hey Baby doko made mo doko made mo
Iku yo Me & You, Me & You
Kono mama Oh… Oh…

Hey Baby doko made mo doko made mo
Iku yo Me & You, Me & You
Kono mama Oh… Oh…
Itsudemo gomakasanai gomakasanai
Sunao ni Who I Am, Who I Am
Bokura wa bokura rashiku iyou
Michi ni mayou koto mo arukeredo
Donna toki mo ari no mama no boku de iyou

Oh Baby Oh itsu made mo
Ari no mama no kimi de ite

Eng Translation: lyric's translation

Bokutachi No Birthday

Tooku hanarete mo
Denwa shite genki ni shite kureru
Tama ni kaereta hi wa daisuki na egao

Itsu made demo issho ni irareru wake janai kara
Ichinichi ichinichi o hora taisetsu ni shiyou
Ima nara ieru yo

Ima made zutto
Arigatou arigatou ai de tsutsunde kurete
Wagamama de komaraseta hi no hou ga kitto ookatta
Arigatou arigatou
Boku o dakishimete kureta no ga anata de yokatta
my life kitto kyou wa bokutachi no birthday

Jibun no koto dake de
Ima made wa takusan kizutsuketa
Sukoshi seichou shite yarikirenai koukai

Itsu made demo amaete bakkari irarenai kara
Daijoubu dayo hitori de aruite yukeru yo
Ima nara ieru yo

Ima made zutto
Arigatou arigatou donna tsurai toki datte
Soba ni ite kuretakara koko made koraretanda
Arigatou arigatou
Boku mo itsu no hi ka anata no you ni nareru no ka na
My heart kitto kyou wa bokutachi no‥

Kono sekai ni boku ga umarete
Arata na peeji mekutta kinenbi
Anata ga toshi o tori nani mo wakaranaku natta to shite mo
Nando mo ieru yo

Kore kara mo zutto
Arigatou arigatou ai o oshiete kurete
Wagamama de komaraseta hi no hou ga kitto ookatta
Arigatou arigatou
Boku o dakishimete kureta no ga anata de yokatta
My love kitto kyou wa bokutachi no birthday

Bokutachi no birthday

Eng Translation: lyric's translation

In The Name of Love

Hey, Come on, Come to me
Kimi ga boku o tsuyoku shitanda sou
The Name of LOVE

Moshi kimi ga, ima denwa kuretara
Boku kara saki ni hanashite shimaudarou
Sou, kimi wa dou omoudarou
Kamawanai ima tsutaetaikara

Zutto, zutto matte itanda
Konna hi ga kuru koto
Wakarudarou, konnani tanoshiinda

Hora,dakara kimi to isshoni
Wakachi aitainda
Boku wa utau, todoketai, kimi ni, ima kono uta wo

When I feeling blue
Tasukete kureta kimi no egao
Kono boku ga, korekara wa, kaesukara
In The name of LOVE
Boku ni wa jishin ga aru
Kimi no koto, shiawase ni shite miseru

Riyuu nante iranaidarou
Kyou no hi o wasurezu iyou
Oh, Girl The name of LOVE

Tatoeba, ima hanaretete mo
Boku kara kimi o mukae ni iku darou
Sou, kimi ga nani o shite ite mo
Kamawanai ima kanjitai kara

Kitto, kitto kimi ni mo mieru
Ima no boku no kimochi
Wakaru darou, konnani saikou nanda

Hora, dakara kimi mo issho ni
Suteppu o fumou yo
Boku wa utau, todokeru yo, kimi ni, ima kono uta wo

When I feeling down
Sashinobete kureta sono te
Kono boku ga, korekara wa, tsunagukara
In The name of LOVE
Boku ni wa jishin ga aru
Kimi no koto, zettai ni mamoru kara

Riyuu nante kotoba janakute
Kyou no hi o kokoro ni kizamou

Baby you, fuan wa iranai
Ya-ku-so-ku suru
Boku wa zutto koko ni iru to
Mieru darou, kimi ni mo
Negai tsudzuketa yume ga
Ima boku no mae ni

Oh, Baby
In The Name of LOVE
Boku ni wa jishin ga aru
Kimi no koto, shiawase ni shite miseru
In The Name of LOVE
Boku ni wa jishin ga aru
Kimi no koto, zettai ni mamoru kara

Riyuu nante iranai darou
Kyou no hi o wasurezu iyou
Oh, Girl The name of LOVE

Eng Translation: lyric's translation


Kurayami ni mayoi komi sasoidase kikoeru ka!?
Oh You better watch out watch out…
Mimi sumashi kanjitore seigi nado sonzai shinai
Oh You better watch out watch out…

Yatsura yori ippo ippo de sei ka shi
Right now yatsura no nōnai kugurinukero

Oretachi Party Party Party
Yatsura wa Hustler Hustler Hustler
Me o nusume tsukamaero (Ha Ha Ha Ha Hustler)
Sugu soko Party Party Party
Yatsura wa Hustler Hustler Hustler
Torikku nerikomi chimitsu ni susumeru
Oh Hustler…

I'm gonna warn ya
You kitsukeya
Kore kara hajimaru I'm gonna gonna show ya
Oh You better watch out watch out…

Ashimoto de bakuha no oto yararetaze ikidomari
Oh You better watch out watch out…
Keikakudouri junbi wa ii ka!?
Let's go yatsura no nōnai kono te no naka sa

Oretachi Party Party Party
Yatsura wa Hustler Hustler Hustler
Furi muku na hashiri nukero (Ha Ha Ha Ha Hustler)
Sugu soko Party Party Party
Oretachi Hustler Hustler Hustler
Rasutosupaato da okure o toru na yo
Oh Hustler…

Omachika ne Party Party Party
Oretachi Hustler Hustler Hustler
Mite miro yo ano sugata (Ha Ha Ha Ha Hustler)

Minna de Party Party Party
Minna ga Hustler Hustler Hustler
Nani ga seigi? Nani ga aku? (Ha Ha Ha Ha Hustler)

Itsu demo Party Party Party
Daremo ga Hustler Hustler Hustler
Donna koin ni mo uraomote ga aru
Oh I'm Hustler…

Eng Translation: lyric's translation


Konya wa oyasumi Oh Oh
(Good night Girl, Sweet dreams)

Day & Night kyou mo ganbattanda ne
Kimi ga muri shiteru koto
Boku wa shitte iru yo dakara
Kyou wa sukoshi yukkuri shite

Honne zenbu kakushita mama dare ni mo misenai de
Kakaeta mono boku ni azukete sa me wo tojite oyasumi

Yume de aou yo
Itsu made mo itsu made datte amaete iikara
Chotto dake chotto dake nemuri no naka sono haneyasumete
Hitori janai wasurenai de
Nemuru made boku ga okite iru kara
Oyasumi Girl oyasumi
Ashita mata tobitatte miyou

Only one kimi o hitsuyou to shite iru
Hito ga takusan irunda
Sore o chanto kimi wa shitteru kai?
Zutto maekara boku mo sou

Kizutsuitara mune ga itamu dare mo ga onaji you ni
Kimi ga yowai wake janainda yo namida wa koko no ame

Asa ni nattara
Doko made mo doko made datte ikeru ki ga suru
Chotto dake chotto dake kono yoru no toki yarisugosou
Yume no naka kimi ga miseru sono egao hontou no sugata dakara
Oyasumi Girl oyasumi
Ashita koso ari no mama de ii

Oh me wo tojiteru kimi ga Oh kirei sugite
Mitoresou sa koe ni dasazu ni chikatta kodoku ni sasenai soba ni iru
(Good night Girl, Sweet dreams) shinpai shinai de
(Good night Girl, Sweet dreams) oyasumi koko de
Good night

Yume de aou yo
Itsu made mo itsu made datte amaete iikara
Chotto dake chotto dake nemuri no naka sono haneyasumete
Hitori janai wasurenai de
Nemuru made boku ga okite iru kara
Oyasumi Girl oyasumi
Ashita mata tobitatte miyou

Eng Translation: lyric's translation

Kiseki Mitsuke Ni

Kyou mo doko ka ni
Aratana inochi, maiorite koe ageta
Umarete kita
Kagayaki o bokura mamorinukeru?

Kimi to, boku ga miru
Atarimae wa issho?
Negaitai kedo kitto
Chigau kara

Aisuru mono o mamoritainda
Dakara, boku wa hajimeyou
Atarimae no dekiru koto
Sore ga kitto tsunagaru
Minna no ashita e

Futsuu no hibi futsuu no ai ga
Hontou wa kiseki nanda
Atarimae no futsuu no ashita o

Dare mo ga omou
Boku ni wa nani ga dekiru
Sore zore chigau kara koso

Aisuru mono o mamoritainda
Dakara, kiite hoshii
Kidzukanai furi wa yamete
Minna issho ni ikou
Kiseki [atarimae], mitsuke ni

Sono ippo, ippo ga
Ochi teru gomi o
Hirou dake demo
Atsumete mitara, hora

Aisuru mono o mamoritainda
Dakara, boku wa hajimeyou
Atarimae no dekiru koto
Sore ga kitto tsunagaru
Minna no...

Aisuru mono o mamoritainda
Dakara, kiite hoshii
Kidzukanai furi wa yamete
Minna issho ni ikou
Kiseki [atarimae], mitsuke ni

Eng Translation: lyric's translation

[LYRICS] 5th Single: Tokoton Got It!

Tokoton Got It

Dou? YOU Got It! Sou! You Got It!

Miagereba hirogaru aoi sekai ni omowazu suikomare sou sa
Sora wo wataru kaze ga aizu wo okuru yo Sounds good! Ki no au nakama-tachi

Azayaka na toki wa atto yuuba ni sugiteku
Dakara fushigi na hodo ni kagayaku yo (Come on and join us!)

Kongari to taiyou no munasawagi
Odoru kimochi marude CHAARUSUTON Got It!
Kirameki wo atsumetara Full HAUSU!
Dou? You Got It! Go! (Yeah!)
Marugoto zenbu kajitte Magic Days
Dou? You Got It! Dou? You Got It! Sou! You Got It!

Nekoronda daichi ni dakarete yume wo kazoete fuzakeatta kedo
Te wo nobaseba kumo ni todoku ki ga shita I Agree masshiro na kokoro de

Hanareta jikan mo isshun de umete yuku
Ki no okenai yatsura ga koko ni iru (Come on and join us!)

Tongari no PURIZUMU ni aorarete
Hazumu kage wa marude MAIRU SUTOON Got It!
Omoide wo kasanetara Full HAUSU!
Sou! You Got It! Wow (Yeah!)
Zutto issho sa maji de Magic Days
Sou! You Got It! Sou! You Got It!

Hayaru kodou atsuku nare Ride On! Ride On! Ride On!

Rainen mo sono tsugi mo yakusoku sa
Onaji sora no shita de hashai de (Come on and join us!)

Kongari to taiyou no munasawagi
Odoru kokoro marude CHAARUSUTON Got It!
Kirameki wo atsumetara Full HAUSU!
Dou? You Got It! Go! (Yeah!)
Marugoto zenbu kajitte Magic Days
Dou? You Got It! Dou? You Got It! Sou! You Got It!


"Tamattara futari de ryokou ikou ne" tte chokin bako katte kita ne
Futatsu no saifu sassoku hiroge kozeni ireta mujaki na yume no tame
Mada mada da ne to hohoemu futari kara kara futte wa tanoshi sou ni
Ano koro no bokura ni shitara sonna AIDEA dake de shiawase

Dore hodo no hibi wo kimi to tomoni dekiru naraba kono mama zutto
Asu he mukatte yuku ate no nai fuan mo kimi to nara

Ganbare ganbare to itsu datte hohoenderu kasaneta hibi ga tashika ni soko ni aru
Ah... mada mijuku na bokura demo hitotsu zutsu yume no kakera atsumete ikou

Kyou mo mata hitori samishii omoi sasete hontou gomen ne
Kondo no yasumi wa omoikkiri omekashi shite dekakeyou dokoka he
Sonna yakusoku mo kanaerarezu ni sewashii hibi ni mata oitekebori
Futari no yume goto wa hokori kaburi itsunomani heya no sumi ni

Dore hodo no namida mou mitakunai omoidasu no wa egao no kimi
Sagashite sagashite ano yume wa chiisana hako no naka

Ganbare ganbare to itsu datte hohoenderu kasaneta hibi ga tashika ni soko ni aru
Ah... mada mijuku na bokura demo hitotsu zutsu yume no kakera atsumete ikou

Lalalalala... utaou yo lalalalala... donna toki mo
Lalalalala... tanoshii ne lalalalala...

Chiisana heya no ichibanme tatsu basho ni okou nani ga atte mo hanasanai

Ganbare ganbare to itsu datte hohoenderu kasaneta hibi ga tashika ni soko ni aru
Itsuka kanarazu yukou ne nando mo katatta yakusoku no mirai he


Tsuki ga michikake suru youni
Bokura no kankei wa itsumo
Chikazuitari hanaretari wo
Kurikaeshita mama

Kinou made no boku ni sayonara shite (A brand-new story)
Sunao na omoi dake Kimi ni tsutaeyou

I just can't yet giving up (Yes)
Kimi ga kureta kotoba ga Boku no tsuyosa ni naru
Michishirube wa (Yes) Jibun de tsukuru Akiramenai
Bokura no kiseki wo tsukamaete Unmei ni kaeru
Itsumademo Kokoro Shining

Shiki ga utsurikawaru youni
Bokura no negai wa itsumo
Yasashii negai Sabishii negai
Kurikaesu keredo

Ippo saki no boku no Senaka oshite (A brand-new story)
Mugen no kanousei Shinji tsuzukeyou

I just can't yet giving up (Yes)
Mada mada mieteiru yo Idomi tsuzukeru boku
Kibou janaku (Yes) Tsukamitoru no ga Yume dakara
Mirai no kagayaki ni michibikare Asu ni mukaou
Itsumademo Kokoro

Sou Koko ni shika nai mono to Mada mienai nanika
Kasanariatte hibiku haamonii
Ima mo kikoeru yo

I just can't yet giving up (Yes)
Kimi ga kureta genki ga Boku no takaramono sa
Shinjirareru (Yes) Kimi ga shinjiru Kono boku wo
Bokura no kiseki wo tsukamaete Unmei ni shiyou
Itsumademo Kokoro Shining

Eng Translation: Lyric's translation

Summer Buddies

Hey yatte kita ze, Orera Kotoshi mo Mata kono natsu no umi
I Say Buddy mata minareta mentsu Oh No
Monku no wari ni ureshisou da na

Kourei no (Summer Dream)
Okimari no (Summer Dream)
Natsu da! Umi da! Bikini da ze
Kotoshi koso wa Love Love Love
Sagasu ze (Summer Dream)
Ai no paatonaa (Summer Dream)
Nante ittatte Kitto kaeri omaera dake

Itsu no hi ka Aisuru hito ni ai Aisuru inochi daitara
Oretachi wa dou kawaru no darou
Sabishii kimochi mo Aru keredo
Sono toki made Sono ato mo Itsumademo
Ima no mama de Oretachi Buddies

Hey You yatte kita ze, Orera Oyaji no kuruma karite
I Say Buddy tsugi wa ore no shinsha de
Tsuretekuru nante itteta kamo na

Maitoshi sa (Summer Dream)
Ore no yume (Summer Dream)
Ai no hanabi Puresento
Rainen koso wa Love Love Love
Futari kiri (Summer Dream)
Umibe no sansetto (Summer Dream)
Nante ittatte Yoko de warau no omaera dake

Itsu no hi ka Aisuru hito ni ai Aisuru inochi daitara
Oretachi wa dou kawaru no darou
Sabishii kimochi mo Aru keredo
Sono toki made Sono ato mo Itsumademo
Kawari wa shinai Oretachi Buddies

(Summer Dream Summer Dream Buddies)
Nayamigoto Atomawashi
(Summer Dream Summer Dream Buddies)
Omaetachi no Kuchiguse wo ima Kokoro de tsubuyaite
Atsui taiyou no shita ichido no natsu wo Hadashi de kakeyou

Itsu no hi ka Aisuru hito ni ai Aisuru inochi daitara
Oretachi wa dou kawaru no darou
Sabishii kimochi mo Aru keredo
Sono toki made Sono ato mo Itsumademo
Ima no mama de Oretachi Buddies

Eng Translation: Lyric's translation

Hoshikuzu Train

Hoshikuzu no kirameki Nazoru you na merodii
Yume ni utaeba kagayaku kimi no kao
Hiroi uchuu no naka Deau koto wa kiseki
Kono te wo tsuyoki nigitte

Moshimo Mayotte miushinaisou ni
Nattara sono mimi wo sumasete

Ima sugu Ride On Ride On Sky
Kakenukeru shunkan no kirameku Head Light
Kokoro wo terasu you na
Mezasu no wa My Princess
Kimi wo hanasanai yo
Atsuku toki wo koeru yo

Nagareboshi ga kirari Kimi no hoho wo someru
Sora ni utaeba Tsuki sae ochitekuru
Daiyamondo mitai na hoshizora no suteeji
Bokura wa soko de Kiss suru

Tatoe kurayami no naka fuan demo
Daijoubu Boku ga iru zutto

Itsudatte Lighting Up The Sky
Yozora wo tobikoete Yorisou Romance
Kokoro wo mitashiteku
Mamoritai My Princess
Kimi wo hanasanai yo
Hikari yori mo hayaku

Love omoi ga tsunoru hodo
Heart chikazuiteku futari
I'm always with you
Kimi ga egao nara eien wa koko ni

Ride On Ride On Sky
Kakenukeru shunkan no kirameku Head Light
Kokoro wo terasu you na
Mezasu no wa My Princess
Kimi wo hanasanai yo
Atsuku toki wo koeru yo

Eng Translation: Lyric's translation