Thursday, November 3, 2016

Nakayama Yuma Popularity(?)

Once, my friends asked me : Why would I like Nakayama Yuma more instead of Arashi or Hey! Say! Jump or Yamashita Tomohisa? They are more popular than Yuma. They've more fans than Yuma. They are more talented than Yuma. We can say that they're the one that in lead in Johnny's, including Akanishi Jin that have leaved few years ago. There's even Kat-Tun and Kis-My-Ft2. As for in the kansai region, there's Kanjani8, and also Johnny's West that are recently gaining more and more fans. So, why Nakayama Yuma? - That's what they said to me.

Well..I do knew that. It's a fact that all Johnny's fans know. Even I'm start watching them because there's words about them here and there. And from them also I got to know Yuma. However, we can't say that Yuma's popularity are much more smaller than others. It's actually more than us can imagine. Even I'm quite surprised with it.

Because of Yuma, I've make a few accounts to write about him. One of it is this blog, and there's also Youtube's channel. I'm actually not really into SNS or websites or channels, etc. Or in other words, I'm quite hate it. But, it's different after I knew Yuma. If I can, I want to write about him everyday. If I can, I want to say something about him everyday. If I can, I want to post anything about him everyday. After I knew him I got to know the world of a fan. Haha.

Anyway, because of this, I got to know about Yuma's popularity.

It's not only Japan!! There are also many UMASTs from all other countries around the world! Well, that's including me too. There's Thailand, Philippines, Peru, Malaysia, Indonesia, United States, Russia, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Switzerland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Brazil, Canada, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Mexico. Ukraine, United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Australia, Romania, Qatar, Italy, Chile, Poland, Sweden, Bangladesh, Puerto Rico, Tanzania, Colombia, Ecuador, Kazakhstan, Greece, Sri Lanka, Hungary, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Nigeria, Denmark, Greenland, Georgia, Brunei, Myanmar, New Zealand, Vietnam, South Africa, Kenya, Iraq, Norway, Albania, Bolivia, Lithuania, Estonia, Austria, Nepal, Serbia, and even South Korea. (Oh, I ended up list it all. Haha. XD)

There's even countries that I've never heard of! It's quite amazing, right? Who said Yuma's popularity are less? Well, I do think so before. Haha.

But I also realized something else. It's true that Yuma's popularity are quite smaller than others, however...I can say this with confidence and with my pride as an UMAST : Yuma's ground as an artist are really SOLID!! It's really had a strong base! Even his popularity are getting more and more bigger time after time. It's getting more and more wider than before.

Even he's need to work harder because he's not a naturally good dancer..Even after he's got smashed with lots of negative comments from BI Shadow and HSJ's fans..Even after he's got tangled with the false rumor (about him getting married) few years ago..Even there's more and more challenging things happened to him..Even after all that, he's still standing firm on his place with smile and without any arrogant, even after 10 years has already passed. That's what I love the most about him. Haha.

"Has fun!" - we can say that's Yuma's principle. If you've ever watched his documentary or makings, you might agree with me. ^-^ . Even on his performance, we can see how he's having fun with it. It's not only me, there also his seniors at Johnny's said so. 'It's one of Yuma's advantages and good-points!' he said.

There's also something else that I've realized after awhile. Almost all of UMAST had the same reasons why they love Yuma the most. I'll list the one that I remember for now. Why we love Nakayama Yuma? Here's the reasons :-

  • He has a cute and sweet smile; we end-up smiling everytime we saw that smile.
  • He's got a unique voice.
  • He's always perform his performance with feelings - fun/sad/love songs.
  • He's really a hard-working person in anything that he do.
  • He's nice to everyone around him; family, friends, juniors, seniors, workers, and even fans.
  • He's really a good actor; can act different types of characters.
  • He has many talents; singing, dancing, acting, stage plays, baseball, cooking, a few simple magics...etc.
  • He doesn't has a fixed style (like most of other artists); sometimes he's cool, sometimes he's hot, sometimes he's cute, sometimes he's charming, sometimes he's funny, sometimes he's quiet. sometimes he's talkative, sometimes he seems childish, sometimes he seems mature..he shows many different sides of him everytime.
Erm..I think I need to explain more about the last reason. You all realized that most of artists had their own style, either their personalities or their songs, or even their characters in drama. Most of them had a specific style. However, Yuma is not like that. Look at his songs, PVs, and performance. Maybe you'll know what I mean.

Well, I'm actually not really like the artist that had a specific style. For example, the Korea's idols (K-pop). Everytime we mention K-pop, almost all of us will think the same thing. K-pop = powerful dance. That's the style that I meant. Because most of K-pop's idol had the same style that I loss interest in them. It's the same for Exile's. And this is the reason I love Johnny's more than others. Because almost all Johnny's artist are sometimes had a childish songs, sometimes sad songs, sometimes had powerful dance for their know what I mean, right?

But, above of's Yuma-kun. He's the most that showed that. <3

Well, it maybe because he has joined various groups with different styles and images. Such as when he's with 7West, the style are something When with NYC, it's a cheerful images. And when he's in PLAYZONE it's kinda give a 'hot' images. Haha.

Anyway...Yuma-kun saikou, desu!!!!!! XD

'On first impression, you'll think that Yuma is like a person that can do anything...' this is what Tatsumi said before about Yuma-kun.

End of story! I've wrote long enough, Haha. I've got exam tomorrow, so I've to start study now. Huhu. As a closure, I hope Nakayama Yuma will gain more and more and more fans from now on~ So my fellow UMASTs, let's we all spread our love for Yuma-kun to the whole world!!! XD

Kina Ayumi.

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