Saturday, December 17, 2016

Yuma's Close-Seniors~

Hey UMASTs....

We've heard many people comment that Yuma-kun look older than his age @ matured, since he acted in Koishite Akuma. Well, he do look matured. I remembered Nana-chan (Yuma's big sister) said once in an interview : "he might be my little brother, but he's like a big brother at home.." Yeah..I can imagine how he's at home. Hihi.

However at Johnny's..he doesn't look like big brother..he's more like a little brother or even like a son to some of senior artists at Johnny's. Haha. "We can't help but to look after him." I can't remembered who said this because it has been a long time ago, but it's one of the seniors that close with Yuma-kun.

Well, if you had seen any of Yuma-kun's moments with his seniors, you will see how cute he's with them. Haha. He's really like a little brat. Hehe ^^

He's close to many people. Because he's nice to everyone. Hihi. But we can say that, the one that's really really close to him is this four (in my opinion) :


Well..Yuma-kun has mention many times the names of 'Takizawa Hideaki' and 'Imai Tsubasa'. Even other Johnny's has heard it many times, including the juniors. And among of all these seniors, I think Yuma-kun close to Takki more.

 Yuma & Takki

Yuma & Tsubasa


As for Yara-chi..hmm..well, he's Yuma-kun's choreographer..of course they are close. If you see Yuma-kun's third single, Get Up! and Butterfly's making, and also YOLOze! Tour's documentary, you'll see how close they are! Not to mention, their's interview and talks for the recent musical's CROSS-HEART..

Oh well..I do said that I think Yuma-kun's most closest senior is Takki, but after I watch those..I also think that he's more closer to Yara-chi than Takki. Well..they've been together almost all the time after all. Sometimes, I even thought that Yuma-kun's style are almost similar to Yara-chi's. Haha.

Yuma & Yara


Err..yeah..he's not really a senior. Haha. But I categorized him as a senior because he's debut earlier than Yuma-kun and he's older than him, though it's only a year apart. Haha.

Both of them are already close since NYC. Of course. 

Yuma & Yamada

Right now, one thing that I can't understand is how some of HSJ's fans always comparing Yuma-kun and Yamada-kun, either their looks or talents. How irritating! Why do they've to compared between the two of them?! Each person has their own looks..their own points!! Yuma-kun is Yuma-kun. And Yamada-kun is Yamada-kun.

I do love Hey Say Jump, and I do love Yamada Ryosuke..but sometimes I just can't stand how the fans acted. Sorry, guys.

I still remember until now..there are times when Yuma-kun was asked which Johnny's he's close with and he answered that it's Yamada-kun. Yeah..they're close. So please don't make a distance between them, fans.....

Oh, and Yuma-kun are quite close with the other members of Hey Say Jump. Well, he has been joined their concerts when he's in NYC after all. Maybe because of that they're close. And there's even a question why should Yuma-kun debut as a soloist rather than being the 10th member of Hey Say Jump? Yeah..there's even a demand for this. Haha.

Well..that's the four people that I talked about; Takki, Tsubasa, Yara-chi, and Yamada-kun.

Of course there's other Johnny's that Yuma-kun close with! Such as the kansai artist, especially the ex-member of 7 West. Hmm..among the kansai's, I think Ryusei-kun is the one that love Yuma-kun the most. Haha..I don't know why, but I do think so.

And Yuma-kun is also quite close with Uchi Hiroki. There's also Fo-Yu who's has been together with Yuma-kun in Playzone. I remembered Tatsumi-kun said this : "I think we (Fo-Yu) have been a regular for Yuma's events". Yeah, I think Yuma-kun invited them almost to all of his events. Haha.

Oh well..if I've to talk about this topic, there's gonna be no end! I think I'll stop here. Well, you UMASTs of course know the one's that are close to our prince. Hihi.

As a closure, I want to thanking all of these seniors and the Johnny's for always take a good care of Yuma-kun. Hope you all will always be like that now and forever! ^^

Sincerely from,
UMAST_Kina Ayumi.

1 comment:

  1. Yuma and Ryusei entered the same date and then, they had been put together with Kami-chan into a unit called TOP Kids and those three became the best of friends. They do some best friends stuff (like playing, etc.).
