Friday, September 2, 2016

Yuma's Mum's Letter

Actually this had been posted a long time ago. It just that...I just found it. Haha. Anyway, I'm just gonna post it, for myself who get touched by their relationship, for anyone who doesn't read it yet, and for those who already read but somehow want to read it again. Haha.

Yuma-kun and Uchi on TakkiChannel,both got letters from their mum~~ So here's the English translation of Yuma's letter:

It’s almost 17 years since Yuma was born, the moment when you’re born, the moment when you stood up at learnt to walk, they’re all just like yesterday, Yuma was very timid, cries a lot, even though you’re a boy, is that really okay? It was really worrisome; during 1st grade in elementary school I’d hope that Yuma would become stronger, like a man, that’s why I forced you to join the baseball club. Although at the beginning it didn’t feel very exciting, but for 6 years you have kept it up and worked hard. For those 6 years Yuma and I have cried together, laughed, many things happened, left a lot memory.

Ever since then Yuma really did become manly, become a strong and brilliant child. When I had a fever, you quietly helped out with the domestic work, when I was late for work you helped me look after your little sister, even now I still feel very thankful.

It is this Yuma that entered Johnny’s entertainment. The night before leaving home to film in Tokyo for the first time, do you still remember you slept in the middle of mum and dad? Although Yuma always slept in a bed by yourself, on that day you didn’t say anything and just slept together with us.

Even though Yuma is a child who doesn’t talk much, but you’re also a child that we miss easily. Although we don’t spend much time together now, please don’t change; continue down the road like the way Yuma is.

Although now we’re far apart, but the whole family will keep supporting you. Gambatte, Yuma!


Yeah, this is Nakayama Yuma that we'll know! He's exactly how I imagined~
Gambatte ne, Yuma-kun!!!

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