Saturday, October 8, 2016

Nakayama Yuma 10th ANNIVERSARY!!!

中山優馬  10th Anniversary!

Hey UMASTs!!! It's finally D-Day!

What's day today?
It was none other than Yuma-kun's and our's - as UMASTs - special day...8th October 2006, the day Yuma-kun joined Johnny's. It has been already 10 years since Yuma-kun joined it! 10 YEARS!! Otsukaresama desu, Yuma-kun~

To Yuma-kun,
Happy 10th anniversary~ Thank you for always make us proud of you. Thank for always make us smile and make our days full of happiness for this 10 years. I hope this happiness will continue for the next 10 years and the years after...Well, I'm actually hope it doesn't end and will last forever. Haha.

Before I knew Yuma-kun, I've like various artist at the same time. It's more like...I like their songs and dances...KPOP and JPOP...I like both of them. However, there's no specific idol that I biased for. My interest in them all are same.'s different for Yuma-kun. Once I knew him, I want to know more!! I'm gradually get more and more interest in him. And now, there's no artist that stay in my heart other than NAKAYAMA YUMA. Hehe., I do like others, but not at Yuma-kun's level. We can say that my love for Yuma-kun is 90%. The remaining 10% are for other artists. Everyday...I must hear his songs. Everyday, I'll searched about him in net. Everyday, I want to know the new updates about him. But it's not like that for the others. Hihi.

Why do I love Yuma-kun this much?'s gradually grown bigger and bigger as I know more and more about him. The more I know about him, the more I love him. The more I found about him, the more I want to know! Anyway, if you ask me the reasons I love him sooooo much...I can't really say it. There's too many reasons! XD

Yuma-kun's songs..his performances..his dramas..his stage plays..his smiles..his attitudes..his stories.. I'm just simply love all about him~ I've love him for this whole 10 years. I'll love him for the next 10 years..and I'll love him FOREVER!! <3 <3 <3

Nakayama Yuma-kun...Aishiteru!!!!

Kina Ayumi.

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