Sunday, December 17, 2017

Nakayama Yuma in OPERA?!


it's been decided that Yuma-kun will participate in an opera in April next year; 2018. The opera called 'INNOVATION OPERA'; a new opera production. Well I'm quite late updated this news on this blog since I'm a bit busy these times. Huhu..

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Before, Yuma-kun acted in a kabuki's drama and later joined the real kabuki stage. Now, he'll joined the opera too. Even tho there's still no words about his comeback for a new songs/singles, I'm still happy at the same time because he's bit by bit is kind of conquering all kinds/sides of stages. Theaters, stage plays, musicals, kabukis, and now opera.

Moreover, it's already confirmed that he'll also joined 'Endless Shock' (Domoto Koichi's stage play) next year.

Not to mention...the most anticipated thing for year of 2018 is Yuma-kun's new movie that we all waiting for since last year (2016)!!! Movie 'Donten ni Warau' definitely be the most anticipated thing for most of the UMASTs, right? We've waiting for more than a year after all. Hehe...

Latest Trailer

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Well then UMASTs, for now...these three are Yuma-kun's main schedules for 2018. For now. So, between these 3, which one is the most you're waiting for?

Endless Shock?
Innovation Opera?
Donten ni Warau?

Whatever it is, let's always pray that Yuma-kun will be success with full colors with whatever he'll do next year and the years after, like he's always do. 😍

Let's be supportive to our prince~ πŸ’–

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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Super Junior's comeback makes me realize again why I love Kpop!

Sorry for the suddenly out-of-topic post. This post are unrelated to Yuma-kun but somehow I just need a space to let out my feeling and thought. Huhu. I'm really sorry! πŸ™

You know, before...I love both of Jpop and Kpop evenly. Everyday I'll listen to both of them. But for some time now, I kind of started to abandoned the Kpop's world and just focus on the Jpop. And that's when the so-called '3rd generation idol' begin.


Well..if you ask me why, even I myself not sure why. To begin with, I don't really have any bias groups/idols in Kpop. To be honest, choosing a bias in Kpop are much more difficult than Jpop. For this case, I can give a reason. Hehe.

For the 2nd generation, I can't choose just one of them are because I thought that ALL of them are really great and amazing and that's make me hard to choose just 1 of them. And that's also how I became a multi-fandom; though at that time my interest in Super Junior are a little bit more than the other groups.

As for the 3rd generation...hmm..well just like I mention before, I started to lose interest in them. They ARE amazing and their songs are also good. I do listen to it and I do like it. But not love! Somehow, I just can't bring myself to love them deeply just like how I love the 2nd generation; even for the most famous one right now like Exo and BTS. I'm sorry. Really really sorry. It just that..erm maybe the impact of the 2nd generation on me are too strong. I just can't find a group that can surpassed the senior groups.

Image result for exo and bts

And not to mention the fanwars!
It just too much there that it makes me sicked and annoyed! That's one of the main reason I started to hate Kpop almost to 'Very Much'!

That's how there's only 20% feeling left in me for the Kpop, while the other 80% for Jpop. I listened to Jpop songs everyday (most of them are Yuma's songs of course), while the Kpop I only listened to it once a week or worse once a month. Sorry about that Kpop fans.

But then again, I started to gain interest in Kpop again. After I watched Produce 101, that's it. And that's also when I started to stan the so-called 'monster rookie' of the year 2017, Wanna One. Reasons, again?

Well...because I watched Produce 101, I saw the hardships and struggles of each member and I know the stories behind of each of them. Even their debut makes me feel really proud, happy and sad at the same time. Watching them...I just can't seem to say no to them. And their first MV, lives, Show-con, talks, CFs...all of them are good. Not to mention, all of the group's members are really talented! Vocal, dance, rap..all of them amazed me so much. Since most of time, I focus more in vocal than the dance and rap. But as for this group, all three aspect really got me in heart. Even I'm myself got really surprised!

Related image

But still, I can't say that I've already fall in deeply for them yet. Since they're a new group that just debut last August. Though among the 3rd generation, they're the first one that gain almost all of my interest.

The fanwars actually makes me a bit hesitate to mark this group as my bias. As many Kpop fans may know, the Wanna One's popularity are really high even though they are rookie. But at the same time there's also a lot of controversies around them. The issue about the same theme and colors as the other groups, the issue about the sasaeng fans, even the popularities that the Wanna One achieved even before their official debut...

Then, this month...the King of Kpop; Super Junior, comeback with their new song 'Black Suit'. As I listened to their song, watched their MV, watched the members faces...I started to feel nostalgic about how I felt about Kpop before. About how I started to know them, and how I started to fall in love with them. Their comeback really makes me miss the time when I'm crazy about Kpop.

Image result for super junior black suit

After I watched Black Suit's MV, I started to watched the other SuJu's song's MV again and I listened to them one by one again. Just then I thought, yes...this is the feeling that I felt for Kpop before. Well it's hard to explained it in words, but that's how I felt anyway.

Watching them makes me feel that I should try to love Kpop once again. And coincidentally, Wanna One gonna comeback with a new album '1-1=0 (Nothing Without You)' next week. Maybe with this new album, I may started dive more deeply in their world as well as the Kpop world.

Will Wanna One surpassed my feeling toward Super Junior???
Maybe yes and maybe not. Let just wait for it. Haha.


I'm so sorry about this UMASTs. For suddenly talk about Kpop when this is a very special space and place for our beloved Yuma-kun. Huhu.

Let's all pray so that Yuma-kun will comeback very soon too~ πŸ’—
And who else can't wait for Yuma-kun new movie to aired?!! Please 2018, come quickly~~

Then, see you again!

Kina Ayumi.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

[Trailer 2] Donten ni Warau

The second trailer of Donten ni Warau; Yuma-kun's movie that will aired next year.
Really can't wait to see it! Huhu. Tho I think I've to wait much more longer to watch it since I've to wait for someone to post it in any website and wait for it subbed. Huhuhuhu 😭

But...just watching this trailer makes my heart aches. That scene, Yuma-kun's scene...really got my heart even though it was just for a while. Huhu. Especially when he yell "Anikiii!" Wahhh, Yuma-kun..I feel you~~ 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I've wait for a year for this.
But I think I'm still not prepared to see the crying Yuma-kun in this. Huhu...
I'm hurt seeing him hurt!


Friday, October 27, 2017

Bae Jin Young (λ°°μ§„μ˜) & Nakayama Yuma (δΈ­ε±±ε„ͺ馬)

today I just wanna express my opinion...about this two artist; Johnny's Yuma-kun and Wanna One's Bae Jin Young.

In the J-Pop's world, Yuma-kun will always be my first bias and favorite, of course. However in K-Pop's world I still haven't found my bias yet. Of course I love K-Pop just how I love J-Pop. It just that I think that all of the K-Pop's idols are all in the same level. All of them are great and amazing and that makes me hard to pick any of them as my number one. Maybe...? Haha πŸ˜…

However, recently, I have found a candidate to become my number 1 bias in K-Pop world! And that's after I watched the Produce 101 Program Season 2. Still just a candidate tho.

Bae Jin Young,
the 10th place at the last placing in the Produce 101 @ the 10th member of 'Wanna One'.

I'm still not clear how I choose my favorite till now, actually. But somehow I can feel the same 'something' in BaeJin just like I sense it in Yuma-kun.

When he was in Produce 101, there's a lot of people who underestimate BaeJin's talent as an idol and said that he's all about his visual only. I don't know if there's still people like that after he's debut as a Wanna One member. If so, I think I will hate them forever in my life and I'll like BaeJin more and more. Since it was also like that in Yuma-kun's case.

In Yuma-kun's case (just like how UMASTs knew), he became the center of attention after he debut in 2009. First because he suddenly separated from his previous group; 7 West, and joined the Tokyo group; BI Shadow. Second, because of his age since he's still 15 years old that time. And third, they said that he got debut only because he was Johnny-san (the president) favorite.

And one of the reason that BaeJin piqued my interest in him, maybe because I saw how hard-working he is and saw the improvement that he show every week in the Produce 101. Just like how I saw how hard-working Yuma-kun is ever since he joined Johnny's Entertainment when he was a 12 years old kid. As an UMASTs, even now we all know how diligent Yuma-kun is with all of his works either in singing, dancing, acting, stage plays, talks and even in the composing. Right?

BaeJin has a natural talent in singing and dancing. Not to mention, his great visual. His voice are unique and soothing, and his dance are really good. I think there's a lot of people who realize that and that's how he ended up became one of the last top 11 trainee (maybe only the haters doesn't realize that). It just that...he has really low of confidence in himself especially when he was on stage and in front of the trainers. It's really surprised me when he performed the 'Oh Little Girl' song. Like..who is this guy? Is it really the same BaeJin?! I really love it!! πŸ’“

Different from Yuma-kun who is really confident and always had a lot of fun on his stage ('it was his greatest weapon as an artist' - said Yara-kun). The only thing that maybe lacked in Yuma-kun is natural talent in dance. His voice and acting are really good from the beginning. But it's not that case for his dance. It was through a really hard-working that he got better in dancing. We can see that in his performances, concerts and stage plays. Isn't it, my fellow UMASTs? Hehe...

Anyway, let's see how BaeJin is for now.
I'm curious myself either he will become my first bias in K-Pop world or not.

I don't care if he doesn't become the number 1 member of Wanna One and I don't even care if he doesn't have a high popularity like Kang Daniel. What I want to see is his effort to climb up especially after Wanna One disband next year. I wonder what will happen to him after that. Will he become a soloist artist like Yuma-kun? Hehe πŸ˜™

Best of luck, Bae Jin Young!! πŸ˜ŽπŸ’˜


Kina Ayumi~

Sunday, October 8, 2017

11th Year Anniversary!!

Still remember what day is on 8th October?

It's our prince's special day!
Well, everyone should already knew that 8th October is the day Yuma-kun joined Johnny's Entertainment. And since that day on 2006, it's already have been 11 years.

These 11 years, there's been a lot of thing have happened to him.
A good things...
A not-too-good things...
But whatever it is, Yuma-kun always be himself.
Always hard-working in whatever his work is.
Always having fun in whatever he did.
And always make us - as a fan- smiling whenever we see him.

Come on my fellow UMASTs, let's support him forever!! Hihi.

My massage to my beloved prince :
Yuma-kun, I'll always love you now and forever~ πŸ’“
Thank you for all of your hard-working for these 11 years! 😘
Happy 11th Anniversary!!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Juyo Sankounin Tantei [J-Drama]


It has been a long time since I updated the post, right? And after a long time, I got a very good news. Huhu. Well, I think most of you have already knew about it, though.

Yuma-kun will be appearing in a drama titled "Juyo Sankounin Tantei" as a guest (as Uozumi Sota) on episode 2 of the drama together with my most favorite actress, Shida Mirai! When I knew about this, I'm almost cried. Huhu 😭. The main cast of this drama are also my favorite actors; Tamamori Yuta (Kis-My-Ft2) and Furukawa Yuki.

Well...although he's only a guest for this drama, and even though he's not even the main cast, I'm still happy with my whole-heart. Huhu.

This is Yuma-kun's comment :
"Tamamori is my senior in at our agency but, in the workplace like the sports day or countdown, I gradually feel happy to meet him in this kind of places. We only had been together in the drama Pin to kona but my impression doesn't change. He's very young, and kind senior! Before Tamamori-kun is a shy guy but now I can see that he can already talk to the people in the scene (laughs)."

By the way, this is the drama's synopsis :-

Kei Maneki (Yuta Tamamori) works as a model. He has bad luck with murder cases taking place when he works. Kei Maneki becomes an important witness in these murder cases. To clear his name, Kei Maneki and his model friends Itsuki Suo (Keiichiro Koyama) and Toma Shimon (Yuki Furukawa) attempt to solve the murder cases.

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By the way, Yuma-kun look soo cute in this photo. Haha.

As a fan, we all knew that Yuma-kun has been busy with his stage plays and musicals recently. And as a fan, we all are waiting for his new songs, singles, and albums. Even so, as a fan...let's support him and be happy for him for whatever his work is.

Last p/s : don't forget to watch this drama, my fellow UMASTs! Especially the 2nd episode. Hihi πŸ˜€

See you again on the next update! 😎
Kina Ayumi.

Thursday, August 3, 2017


It's been a while since I last writing in this blog. Huhu. This is all because of my work. Hmm...

Anyway, just as the title stated, I want to show you all the trailer of Yuma-kun's upcoming movie; Donten ni Warau (Laughing under the cloud) - though it's a bit late. I'm sure there's many people who have already watched it. Haha..

[TRAILER] Donten ni Warau

This movie gonna aired next year; 2018!!!
Really really really can't wait to see it. It's not only Yuma-kun. There's also a lot of my favorite actors in this movie. Huhu.

Btw, I want to see Yuma-kun in musical 'Ninjin' too. Huhu. I suddenly remember Yuma-kun once said in one of his interview : "I want to joined musicals. Of course the Johnny's stage plays are fun and interesting, but I'm also want to try another stage plays and musicals." Huu, I'm glad he got his dream come true. Hihi. And I'm sure that he's gonna joined a lot of stage plays and musicals in the future.

Musical 'NINJIN'

And...hmm..of course, I can't wait for his new songs~ Huhu...
Let's pray for it happen soon, UMASTs!!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yuma's little sister - YAMADA SUZU

NMB48's Yamada Suzu - our prince's little sister (for someone who doesn't know yet)...somehow she's getting more and more looking like Nana. Haha.

Well of course..they're sibling after all πŸ˜…

And she's getting more and more cuter. In my eyes only, maybe. But I'm sure Yuma-kun and Nana are proud of her. Even I'm not really an NMB48's fan...just knowing she's Yuma-kun's beloved little sister made me happy. Just like how I felt about his older sister, Nana. Haha.

Why I'm suddenly want to talk about her?

Well, actually because I just watched this video [⬇] and it makes me want to talk about it..hehe.

Just want to share it.
Come and watch it, UMASTs~

Oh..I wonder what's Nana been up for these days. Huhu. Anyone?

Good Luck Suzu-chan!!!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Nakayama Yuma δΈ­ε±±ε„ͺ馬 ~ My Favorite Songs ~


These days...I've heard that a lot of people have been questioning about Yuma-kun's next song / single / album. Well, yeah. This time it's quite take awhile for his new single. However guys, please do understand. Yuma-kun has been busy with various of things. His career as an artist are not only focus on 'singing'. Although it might be a bit late, I'm sure he's gonna grant our wish as his fans. We're UMASTs, right?

While we're waiting for Yuma-kun's new single, let's talk about his songs up till now. 😎

Say, UMASTs...among all of his songs, which one is your favorite?

As I listed on this video, my top 10 of Yuma-kun's songs are :-
  1. Missing Piece
  2. Feeling Me Softly
  3. YOLO Moment
  4. Aioraito
  5. Kousaten
  6. Mai Koi
  7. High Five
  8. Butterfly
  9. Get Up!
  10. Best Friend
Well, actually...except for the top 3, I don't really sure about the ranking for the songs. Haha. πŸ˜… But, I think, my number 1 song will remain it's place in my heart forever πŸ’–. Why? Because...I started to love Nakayama Yuma because of this song and the drama 'Piece'. That's why...'Missing Piece' will always be my number 1. I think. Hehe.

How about you guys?
Which one is your favorite? πŸ˜ƒ Do share~ 😍

Let's support our prince as an UMASTs!!

- Kina Ayumi.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


 Well, if there's anything I want to's how unfortunately I'm because I can watch this stage play and how good it is if I get the chance to do so. Huhu. However...just watching the cuts of the stage play also quite satisfying for me rather than can't watch anything. Haha.

Anyway, with this stage play ended...Yuma-kun will begin his other journey. Please support him now and forever, UMASTs~ ^^

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Johnny's Sport Day 2017

Well, all of Johnny's fans should be know about this sport day. Hehe.

Otsukaresama to all Johnny's artist πŸ’ͺ

Especially to Yuma-kun~ πŸ’“
It's good to see him having fun after all his hard-work lately. At least he can rest before working hard for the next activities. Huhu...

And as always, it's really good to see Yuma-kun as a baseball player. Hehe. His charm on the field and on the stage are completely different (for me)!!

Also, not to mention, the reunion of the NYC!!!! Kyaaaaaaaaa~~~ πŸ˜†πŸ’•

If only they had another project together again..huhu
I miss NYC. Seriously.

Well anyway...UMASTs, let's hope for Yuma-kun's success in everything he do!
Yuma-kun, ganbare!!!

*p/s: Have all of you watched the 'Hokuto' drama yet? ^^

Friday, March 3, 2017

Nakayama Yuma (δΈ­ε±±ε„ͺ馬) 2017

Nakayama Yuma 2017

Since the junior's time, Yuma-kun has been busy with many sorts of works. It may seem that he's free almost all the time to other people, but as an UMASTs, we all know how much efforts he put for his career. We all know how busy he's every year. Well, he's talented in many things after all.

Concerts, performances, stage plays, acting, photo shoots, radios, variety shows, talks...

Most of people only look at the main schedule of an artist. As a singer, of course most of fans will look at his new singles/albums/performances...But for Yuma-kun, his main schedules are not only in singles/albums...but also acting and stage plays/musicals.

Such as this last year, most likely, he's focused more in stages more than in front of cameras. I'm waiting for his new single/songs...I'm waiting for his new tour/concert...of course and without any doubt, I'm hoping for it. Anyone and everyone hoping for it too, especially the UMASTs.

However, I still can wait patiently for it and I will. Why? Because I know how busy he's is with his works. Well, as for now, these 4 are his main schedules of the year. Is it seem few? Just to let you know, he's also busy with his other regular schedules such as radios, variety shows, photo shoots...and not to mention the practices, training, and rehearsals. If anything, I'm more worried if he get enough rests or not.

That's why, I can wait for his new single/songs.

And if there's something that I'm unsatisfied was because I can't go and watch Yuma-kun's stage plays and musicals! If only I'm in Japan. Huhu...

Anyway, I hope everyone can wait patiently for anything you want from him, either new single, new songs, new dramas/movies, new tours...In his place, I'm asking sincerely. Onegaishimasu! πŸ™

As for Yuma-kun...whatever it is, I'll always support you from behind! It's every UMAST's wish to see you at the top of the world~ Even if it takes 10 years from now or more, it's alright. We'll always be beside you. Ganbare!! And don't forget to get enough rests and eat lot of delicious and healthy foods. Hehe.

Okay, that's all.
Can't wait to see Yuma-kun's new drama! It's less than a month more! Yes!! #Hokuto

Kina Ayumi.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Kansai Johnny's Jr.

Between the Tokyo Johnny's Jr and Kansai Johnny's Jr, which one do you like more?

As for me, I'm actually interested more in the Kansai's. Why? Hmm..I don't actually knew the reasons. But I really love watch 'MaidoJani~' and that's how I got to know more about the Kansai Jr.

Ah, and maybe because I want to support them just like how Yuma-kun support them. 😊
Well, Yuma-kun really love his hometown after all.

From Kansai Jr, there's only 3 artist that have debuted (if I'm not mistaken). Kanjani 8, Nakayama Yuma, and Johnny's WEST. Well, I don't actually sure about this fact. However, of course there's another artist from kansai but unlike these three, they joined Johnny's Jr before debut and not Kansai's. Err...something like that....

Anyway, I'm gonna list some of the kansai juniors here. Hehe.


They are my most favorite juniors~ I don't think their group actually named 'Funky 8' but they are known by the fans by that name. If I'm right, that name stick to them after they joined Yuma-kun's solo concert (YOLOze! Tour) as his back-dancers.

More than SixTones, Snow Man, Mr King vs Mr Prince, Travis Japan, or any other juniors from Tokyo, I love them more.

And also, my most favorite junior is also in this group. Ohashi Kazuya! πŸ˜

For some reasons, he really got my intention and interest. The main reason might be because of his big ambition and he looks like he's really having fun on stages (though it apply to all kansai jr) Anyway, he's the second person that make my heart fluttering after Yuma-kun. Of course, still not in Yuma-kun's level. Haha.

Btw, this is the group's members :-

(Funky 1)
(Funky 2)
(Funky 3)
(Funky 4)
(Funky 5)

(Funky 6)

(Funky 7)

(Funky 8)

My favorite member? Just like I've's Kazuya. And the other one is Matori. This two are my favorite member from Funky 8!



I know all these juniors from the program 'MaidoJani~'. And without any doubt, I really love the show's casts/members. All of them are really talented, either in sing/dance or in variety. Well, almost all juniors from kansai are like that. That's why I love them more than the Tokyo's.

It's quite sad when Sho and Ren went to Tokyo..but it's more sad when Toma leaved Johnny's! Actually Toma are my most favorite junior before I got to know Kazuya. That's why I'm screaming with tears when I knew about him leaving. Huhu.

And now, the main casts for the show are only three juniors. Well, there's always other juniors joining them. No matter what, I'm still love the show. Haha.  

                            MUKAI KOJI

Erm..between this three, I don't really know how to choose. I love all of them equally. Huhu..

Well, if I'm not mistaken, Mukai joined Johnny's at the same time as Yuma-kun. If I've to choose, I would like him to debut in the near future. Of course, not because he's joined together with Yuma-kun..but because he's got potential to debut earlier. It's suppose to, and I hope to.

As for Daigo and Ryusei, their talent has bloom in the early stage. Well, almost all the juniors are like that. But the most thing I love about this two is their bond @ bromance. Haha. They're best friend for each other, brother for each other, lover for each other...watching them's really cute~! Haha.

And here, I list some of other juniors. Well, it's not all of them..I just list some of them that I knew. And of course there's other juniors that I interested in other than Kazuya, Matori and MaiJani members.

Yoshino Iori, Takahashi Kyohei, and Yamamoto Ryuki - I'm quite interested in this three.

Ahh...suddenly I'm miss Yuma-kun's moments with his fellow kansais. Huhu. Anyway, I hope there's juniors from kansai debut soon.  No matter who!




























My fellow UMASTs, let's support Yuma-kun's juniors!! Hehe.

Yuma from Kansai Jr's Time