Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yuma's little sister - YAMADA SUZU

NMB48's Yamada Suzu - our prince's little sister (for someone who doesn't know yet)...somehow she's getting more and more looking like Nana. Haha.

Well of course..they're sibling after all πŸ˜…

And she's getting more and more cuter. In my eyes only, maybe. But I'm sure Yuma-kun and Nana are proud of her. Even I'm not really an NMB48's fan...just knowing she's Yuma-kun's beloved little sister made me happy. Just like how I felt about his older sister, Nana. Haha.

Why I'm suddenly want to talk about her?

Well, actually because I just watched this video [⬇] and it makes me want to talk about it..hehe.

Just want to share it.
Come and watch it, UMASTs~

Oh..I wonder what's Nana been up for these days. Huhu. Anyone?

Good Luck Suzu-chan!!!

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