Wednesday, February 17, 2016



Actually, how can we be a loyal fan to the artist that we love? To tell you the truth, I've never ever hate any idol/artist because of another idol. But somehow, I do hate their fan sometimes. I'm not hate the idol but their hater fans! Well, I can understand if they being an anti of someone because of something solid and logic. However, how can they just be an anti because of something that the person doesn't even have any fault in that case?!

Oh my, sorry..I'm too excited, or rather I'm too mad!

Do you actually know which case do I mean? With introduction like that, I knew that anyone can actually guess. Of course it is from his junior days. Actually, few days ago, while I'm searching about Yuma-kun, I happen read a page from one of his anti/hater. I'm actually feel like "What's wrong with him?!". Just reading the article made me going crazy! Then I tried to find some more, and it turns out that there's actually a lot of anti comments, hater's article..or something like that, about Yuma-kun.

I just knew about Yuma-kun recently. So when I knew something like that actually happened to him, I'm really dumbfound. I'm surprised! Yeah, it's not something weird for an idol to have an anti despite having many fans. But I just can't believe that they just hated him just because his career's journeys going too smooth, and not to mention because he join groups like BI Shadow and NYC.

It's weird! Too weird! Why would you be an anti just because of something like that?!

Well yeah..I do find it surprising because of his quick journey. He's acted early, got the spotlight early, and going solo early. This has something to do with one of my question about him : 'Why does he goes as a soloist but not as a member of a groups?'


I think we should start from the very first cause.
We all knew that before Yuma-kun has joined many groups, don't we? I think it all start with his first group, Hey! Say! 7West. Well, that is the group first name. After a while, the name change to : Nakayama Yuma with 7West. Everyone know this fact, of course. With Yuma-kun's name at the front, his being in the center with different costume, everyone start to questioning. What's so special about Nakayama Yuma? Why does Johnny-san only gave him the special treatment but not to the others? Why does the group then sounds like it was actually his group and the others just as a backing singers and dancers? Why? And why?
Nakayama Yuma w/ 7West

After that, he joined another group, BI Shadow. The actual member for that group is Nakajima Kento, Kikuchi Fuma, and  Takahata Misaki. But then, Misaki leave the group. After that, Matsumura Hokuto and Kochi Yugo joined.
Misaki, Kento, Fuma

Yugo, Fuma, Kento, Hokuto

Then, Yuma-kun joined the group and became the fifth member. And the group's name change to Nakayama yuma with BI Shadow. Once again, Yuma-kun's name are at the front of the group's name and he become the center of the group. At that time - of course - BI Shadow's fans become crazy because of that matter. Who's Nakayama Yuma to suddenly pushed the original member of the group to the back?! Yuma-kun that's originally from Kansai Johnny Jr suddenly joined a Tokyo's group, of course that brings their fans went crazy~ Not to mention, what exactly the other members think at that time? I'm curious. Hehe..

Nakayama Yuma w/ BI Shadow

After that, Yuma-kun joined Yamada Ryosuke-kun and Chinen Yuri-kun (Hey! Say! Jump) in a special unit called NYC. At first, the BI Shadow's member are also joined them with the name 'NYC Boys'..they are the boys. 

And of course once more they were being pushed at the back as back-up singer for the main 3. I know that their fans not fully satisfied with that, but think they just accepted it. The one that get 'bashed' is Yuma-kun. Again! -_- This time by the Hey! Say! Jump's fans. They said that Yuma-kun just borrowed Yamada and Chinen's popularity. He automatically became famous because there's HSJ's member. That's what being said at that time.

The fans going frantic and unsatisfied at Yuma-kun because of this 3 continues changes. Then let me ask you, do you actually think of Yuma-kun's position at that time? Do you actually know how does he felt because of the changes? Do you actually think that he would be proud of himself being in center? Are you really sure about that? Does him being in center with the different costume, and with his name in front of the group's name are actually his choice? Does it really his fault that it becomes like that? Is it his fault?

No way right?! It was obviously the management's fault. It was Johnny's decision to put him where, or with whom, in which way. It is without a doubt a decision without Yuma-kun's has a chance to voice his heartfelt.

Did you know that he's actually uncomfortable with those situations? How about his guilty for the other members? Don't you have been in a situation where your opinion can't be heard by others? That's Yuma-kun's situation that time. But the other's fans just bashing him out without even think for a seconds of his position. That's what I mad for!!! >_<


You're actually don't know that he is really love his hometown, don't you? And I'm think that you probably don't know that he's actually love the members of his first group, 7West. Yuma-kun said this in his interview :

"I can’t say it properly, but you could say that at the beginning I did not think that it was a good thing. I had the 'But it was fine the way it was before' kind of feeling. Having only my name put out there, standing in the centre, even having a different costume… They didn’t say it out, but everyone most likely did not think that it was absolutely a good thing. Especially when activities started to get fun, I thought, 'Why?' - I couldn’t refuse and I wasn’t able to discuss it with my friends. Because it would have sounded like sarcasm."

That's what he said for the change of name and his position in the group 'Nakayama Yuma w/7West'. Now let's get to know what he thinks of for the groups.. : "I got to know (Nakajima) Kento and (Kikuchi) Fuma through introduction. Around that time, Fuma was a quiet kid and Kento was someone who had a tendency to get carried away. But, just as I thought, we were distant. I was regarded with a 'Who are you?' kind of feeling by the Tokyo Jrs at first. Fans of B.I.Shadow must have thought, 'What the heck?' But, I could not do anything about it. No matter what they thought of me, I had no other choice but to do it."

"Yamada-kun and Chinen (Yuri)-kun had also debuted as Hey! Say! JUMP. You could say that I was somewhat lonely, thinking about many things. But, even if I thought a lot, it couldn’t be helped. Besides, I was grateful that the two of them led me along. Seeing them say, 'For costumes, this looks better than this' or 'I want to request for a hairstyle', I thought, 'I have to make requests too'. Even as I scanned my surroundings, there was nothing but people, I didn’t have a sense of reality and it was the opposite as you could say that I wasn’t nervous. Except, my apologies towards the fans of JUMP and the members of JUMP were always there. But, I was under the impression that that was how the world was. You could say that it was like having the feeling that my own copy-robot was on stage doing its best. Somehow, it was a really Parman-like feeling. It was a good experience that I’ve gotten. It’s because those two really have great ability and high potential. The things that we got to do together has become a source of encouragement for me, it’s something I can boast about." - His thought about NYC.

There's a saying that Johnny biased and favored Yuma-kun than the others. That's why there's a rapid development in his journey as an idol. He's even been called as an 'elite'. Do you want to know what he's actually think of that 'elite' thing? >  In the past, when I would get told that, I wouldn’t feel very good. Especially during the time when I would thinking of wanting do activities together with the kids in Osaka. And I would always think, “I’m not an elite. Don’t give me special treatment.” I wanted to compete with everybody on the same level. In Tokyo, I started having groups; when I appeared with B.I.Shadow,  and appeared as part of NYC boys, I always thought of wanting to do activities with the kids in Osaka. But I couldn’t say it out. Because as the person involved, what I told to some of the kids in Osaka was different. I said something like “I want to do it” and I was told, “You have it good.” 

But, the kids who entered around the same time I did, wavered in the future and there were kids who quit. Coming to face the fact that I wasn’t able to stop that, even now, I would feel something like loneliness or regret. But, at that time, I couldn’t say “Don’t quit.” Emotionally, I would be able to say, “Don’t give up. Let’s do our best!” countless of times. But, whether it would be right or not, I don’t know. There wasn’t security for the future. If we had been in the same place, in the same group, maybe my words would have been different. I was doing activities in Tokyo. There wasn’t even a chance for me to convey my thoughts. I thought, if only I had more power in me; it was vexing. That’s why, in some respect, one thing that supported me was the fact that it was “for the sake of the kids in Osaka”. If I got a job, and if something good happened in Kansai, even if it’s just a little bit, maybe I can contribute too.

 I think it was a few years back, I also thought that I shouldn’t be together with the kids in Osaka. I might sound arrogant or self-conceited but if I were with them, thinking about the situation at that time, I think that I would be standing in the center. Having a different costume from everyone else. Like that, everyone else would be seen as one level below me. And that’s not good. That’s why, I thought that I shouldn’t be going back. Honestly, I have had talks with the office that had mentioned, “With the kids in Osaka…” But I said, “I won’t do it.” Maybe it was a cruel judgement on them, I don’t know. But to go as far as lower the existence of such hardworking people, I couldn’t do it. I think it was around that time that I thought, “Let’s take responsibility.” So when they tell me, “You must be an elite”, I answer, “Yes, I am an elite.” - That was why, when they said that Johnny’s WEST was going to make their debut, I was happy for them from the bottom of my heart. I told them, “Congratulations”, because everyone was worried, thinking, “Maybe we should quit”. Even though I left Osaka around the time when I graduated from high school, I should have known that at that time everyone was at a loss; thinking, “Even if I continue on like this…” In truth, there were also people who left. Even then, the ones who stood their ground were the current members of Johnny’s WEST."

He's so sweet, right?! ^-^ Not everyone can actually thought of his feeling at that time. Of course everyone would think that he would be so proud and happy for himself, as an artist with pride. But it's actually quite the opposite. Even I'm surprised to find out about his feeling for his fellow member from 7WEST. Oh Yuma-kun~

(Credit to : every page that translate his interview~)

I don't know if there's still his anti from his junior's days this days. But if they still there, I hope they will stopped it right away. Of course, unless if there's other things that they unsatisfied with him that can be accepted! -_-

"I think it’s something like a dead ball in baseball. Even though it looks painful to the spectators, it’s not so painful to the real person. Because your friends, your supporters, your fans; they are also here. So, I’m not alone." - Nakayama Yuma

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