Monday, February 15, 2016



This is my very first time writing not only about NAKAYAMA YUMA but also about any other artist or celebrities. Not even once I thought of writing about them even though I do love them and their songs. This just show that I love everyone of them equally, not more and not least. However the more I get to know Yuma-kun, the more I love him. But it doesn't mean that my love for the others are lowering. It's still the same. It just that my love for Yuma-kun is increasing..haha

The truth is, I get to know Yuma-kun later than other idols from Johnny's. It just has been 2 or 3 years ago. I do know that he is part of the NYC boys but at that time I thought that he is also a member of Hey! Say! JUMP like the other two, Yamada-kun and Chinen-kun. LOL. When I think back about it, I'm really stupid doesn't it? I first realized that he is not a member of that group is when I watch his performance at Shounen Club with his first single, MISSING PIECE...

At that time, I was just simply surprised! Well, I do said that I love all Johnny's artist but I also said that I love them equally. With that, just think that I just love to watch and hear their songs if I want to. It was just as simple as that. I never go to Johnny's page or their wiki or something like that to know everything about them. To put it simple, I never had a thought to know about their profile or information or recent news. I just simply love to watch their performance and hear their songs, without a doubt I just watch it from youtube. That's all!

But..when I discover about Yuma-kun being as a soloist, my head was full with question mark. So my curiosity bought me to the Johnny's page. I can't help it. On that day, I visit that page and his wiki, and not forget any page about him in Facebook. Just then I confirmed it. NAKAYAMA YUMA is a soloist artist from Johnny's!! haha..

Just like that, my first exploration in artist's world begin~
Well of course at first it's all about 'curious'. I just looked about him because I'm confused. At that time. But then, the more I knew about him the more I want to know. And at last, that curiosity bought me to 'interest'..I want to know everything about him!

When is his first debut?

Which group is he in before?

What kind of character does he have?

What actually his best talent?

What drama does he acted before?

How many singles that have been released?

There are many things that I want to know about him! A lot! But the main question that have been lingering inside my head this days is :

Why didn't he join a group? Why a soloist? Well yeah he has been in groups before, such as Top Kids, Hey! Say! 7WEST, w/B.I Shadow, and NYC Boys..but then why didn't he continue being in one of the unit? Is it his choice or the agency?

It's kind of weird right? hehe

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