Monday, February 29, 2016


It's obvious that every person in this world had their own color. Every artist, idol, singer, dancer, etc..had their own style and had their own image. So do Yuma-kun, of course. However, to tell you the truth, until now I still can't figure out his personal image. Or should I said that he suitable for every style and every color. A hot artist, or cool..even cute and funny..manly and childish..he's suitable for every character.

Before, when I watch him perform with NYC, I thought that he's with the cute style. However, when I knew that he's a soloist, and when I watch his performance for his early singles, I really thought that he's really suited with a tough-guy style. From time to time, my imprison about him change for each of his performance. Just look at his outer look..yeah..he's really suited to act as a cool person. But when we got to know him, he's actually a cute guy that always had smile on his face.

"I want to be like Jim Carrey. Because I like comedies. I want to do a comedy."

"Acting cool still makes me embarrassed. Things like “Please say a line to make girls go kyun”, even now, I’m still bad at it. Anyhow, I want to go in the direction of making people laugh. While I was embarrassed, looking for an escape route, arriving at comedy wasn’t something I expected."

Yeah..he's really an unexpected guy, right? He doesn't even think to be an idol before, but now he's one of the most popular idol in Japan. Even though he's really good at baseball since he's little, his dream was to be a fisherman. He's a cheerful person and carefree but he's always act with the opposite personality in his dramas (acted as a cool and serious person). 

If you want me to choose a color that suited him best, there's only one answer. Do you know anime Kaichou Wa Maid Sama ? There's an episode in that anime that Takumi was asked a color that suited Misaki the best. His feeling that time somehow similar to mine. Haha..

The answer is WHITE~

Because it's white, we can give it any color we want anytime. Moreover white are suitable for every color, and that's how Yuma-kun is..hehe..and not to mention, I personally love whenever Yuma-kun wore a white shirt. ^-^ That's why the color that suited him the best is WHITE!

What about you?
What color do you think that suit him best?
Which image suit him the best?

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