Monday, October 17, 2016

Donten ni Warau...POSTPONED?!!

I'm a bit sad right now. Why? Because Yuma-kun's next movie "Donten ni Warau" gonna postponed it's aired time from 2017 to 2018. It's tooooo LATE!!! I've already getting really excited with it..huhu =_=;

Actually I've already knew this last week..but I can't write it at this blog due to my heart-broken. Haha.

However....! There's also good news, of course. Yuma-kun is going to perform another SOLEIL next year. It's on April if  I'm not mistaken. It's really really a good news for anyone who love to see Yuma-kun's stage plays. ^^

Ah. And There's also another info coming from Yuma-kun, himself. The rehearsal for musical 'Cross-Heart' has already begun! Yay~ Can't wait to see Yuma-kun swinging his sword. Haha! But this situation, makes me remember Yuma-kun's act on 'Samurai Tenkosei'..suddenly. Maybe because it's involved action (?) Ahh...his scene with Shige at the end of that movie are really fascinating me! Oh god, I think I'll watch that movie again. Hehe.

Okay. That's it.

Yuma-kun, good luck with your rehearsal~ <3

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Generation After Generation

I don't know why I suddenly want to write about Yuma-kun's family's members. More accurately, about his sisters. Maybe because I just knew that his little sister has already joined NMB48. Haha. Ah, and I also just knew that Nana-chan is already graduated from that girl's group.

To tell you the truth, I don't really know about AKB's sister groups...including NMB. Well..I do watch NMB's performance and Nana's songs sometimes. But honestly, I did that actually thanks to Yuma-kun. If not, I don't think I'll do the same. It's not that I hated them. NOT for that reason. It just that... like I've told you before...before I know Yuma-kun, I see all the artists and idols as the same level. Even for ARASHI that are known world-wide, their place in my heart are the same as the juniors. Please don't misunderstanding. The 'level' that I meant here is my 'love' for them. Of course I see some of them are more the best than the others. But my love for them are just the same. Simply put, I don't biased with anyone.

That's also for AKB and the sister groups. Before, I don't even know that there's sister groups for AKB48. I just thought that ALL of them are from the same group, AKB. As for the sister groups at the other countries (for example : Indonesia), I thought that they are copying AKB's style. Haha. Sorry, girls~

Anyway, I've watched AKB48 for a long-time...since I'm still a kid. But, for NMB48, I'm only started watch them after I know Yuma-kun. Only after I knew that his older sister are a member of that girl's group. As for the other sister groups...sorry...The only girl-idols that I'm interested in since before, is only AKB48. I've never watch the others until I knew about Nana-chan.

Okay..enough for the AKB and it's sister groups. Back to Yuma-kun and his sisters!

Between the three siblings, only Yuma-kun that use their own-family-name; Nakayama. Both of  Nana-chan and Suzu-chan use 'Yamada' as their stage name. Why? Hmm...I don't really know the reason. But from what I've heard before...Nana-chan used it because she doesn't want to be labeled together with Yuma-kun. She want to have her own identity. As for Suzu-chan, because she joined the same group as her sister (?) Well, it's quite weird if they use the different surname when they're on the same group. right? - It's just what I've heard before. It's not really the truth, though.

The most interesting story between this three siblings that I've knew :
1) Nana-chan was the one that suggested Yuma-kun went to Johnny's audition and the one that supported him the most to be an idol.

2) Suzu-chan was the little sister that cried in Yuma-kun's shoulder, the night before he went to Tokyo. Yuma-kun told this story at one of his interview before. Remember?

Do you have other interesting stories for this three kansai's siblings? Please share it~ Hehe.

Anyway, good luck for Nana-chan even she's already done with NMB48. And good luck for Suzu-chan as one of the 5th generation's member for NMB48. As for more to say...your happiness is the only things that we care for, as UMASTs~ Hihi  ^-^

[ Yamada Nana - Nakayama Yuma - Yamada Suzu ]

Monday, October 10, 2016

[VIDEO] Nakayama Yuma 中山優馬 10th ANNIVERSARY

At last....I got to post this video. Can't be help but post it late because of the too slow line!! -__-

Anyway, once again...Happy 10th Anniversary Yuma-kun. :)
You'll always be the happiness of my life~ Thank you for all of your hard-works for this whole 10 years. We know that you're always tried everything you can with everything you do. However, even with those hardships and hurdles, you've always stayed in smile. That's why your smiles are very very very precious..hehe..That's the Yuma-kun that I know, at least...

Your smiles are the source of our (my) smiles~ :) :) :)

Just remember, there is us behind, infront, and besides you...Just continue your journey as you're right now. We'll always be alongside the roads that you walk!!

Kina Ayumi.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Nakayama Yuma 10th ANNIVERSARY!!!

中山優馬  10th Anniversary!

Hey UMASTs!!! It's finally D-Day!

What's day today?
It was none other than Yuma-kun's and our's - as UMASTs - special day...8th October 2006, the day Yuma-kun joined Johnny's. It has been already 10 years since Yuma-kun joined it! 10 YEARS!! Otsukaresama desu, Yuma-kun~

To Yuma-kun,
Happy 10th anniversary~ Thank you for always make us proud of you. Thank for always make us smile and make our days full of happiness for this 10 years. I hope this happiness will continue for the next 10 years and the years after...Well, I'm actually hope it doesn't end and will last forever. Haha.

Before I knew Yuma-kun, I've like various artist at the same time. It's more like...I like their songs and dances...KPOP and JPOP...I like both of them. However, there's no specific idol that I biased for. My interest in them all are same.'s different for Yuma-kun. Once I knew him, I want to know more!! I'm gradually get more and more interest in him. And now, there's no artist that stay in my heart other than NAKAYAMA YUMA. Hehe., I do like others, but not at Yuma-kun's level. We can say that my love for Yuma-kun is 90%. The remaining 10% are for other artists. Everyday...I must hear his songs. Everyday, I'll searched about him in net. Everyday, I want to know the new updates about him. But it's not like that for the others. Hihi.

Why do I love Yuma-kun this much?'s gradually grown bigger and bigger as I know more and more about him. The more I know about him, the more I love him. The more I found about him, the more I want to know! Anyway, if you ask me the reasons I love him sooooo much...I can't really say it. There's too many reasons! XD

Yuma-kun's songs..his performances..his dramas..his stage plays..his smiles..his attitudes..his stories.. I'm just simply love all about him~ I've love him for this whole 10 years. I'll love him for the next 10 years..and I'll love him FOREVER!! <3 <3 <3

Nakayama Yuma-kun...Aishiteru!!!!

Kina Ayumi.