Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How I miss Yuma-kun so much!!! Huhu

Hei, how long has it been since my last post? Haha πŸ˜… I may haven't post at this blog for long-time, but that doesn't mean my love for Yuma-kun are decreasing..NOT AT ALL!! Not even for 0.00001%!!! 😣 You don't know how I miss him so much everyday~ You don't know how many videos & photos of him I watch everyday because I miss him too much~ Huhu 😭😭😭

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

What's Yuma-kun has been doing for all this time? You must be wondering, right? Since it's been so long since he last released new songs..and the same goes for acting in dramas/movies~ 😌 Well, since last year, he has been focusing more in stage plays and musicals after all~ I think most of you have already knew it though..Haha πŸ˜… 

But 1 thing I want to say proudly is he's now not only joined the stage plays from Johnny's but also involved with the outside Johnny's too~ Just like what he's been dreaming for! Haha 😘 Theaters, musical, opera, and even kabuki! He has joined all kinds of stage plays now!! 😍😍😍

     Image may contain: 1 person, sitting Image may contain: 1 person, indoor

Without we realized it, he has grown up so much into a very fine artist and men~ Huhu 😭😚 I do hope he release a new single/songs again in the near future, and I really want him to act in dramas & movies again~ But I also know I've to held-in my greed as he's been busy with the stage plays~ πŸ˜”

My fellow UMASTs, please be patience together with me~ Let's just keep hoping & wishing! Alright? 😊 And also, let's pray only for the best for our prince~ Hehe 😍

Lots of love for Yuma-kun,
Kina Ayumi.

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