Sunday, May 21, 2017

Yuma's little sister - YAMADA SUZU

NMB48's Yamada Suzu - our prince's little sister (for someone who doesn't know yet)...somehow she's getting more and more looking like Nana. Haha.

Well of course..they're sibling after all πŸ˜…

And she's getting more and more cuter. In my eyes only, maybe. But I'm sure Yuma-kun and Nana are proud of her. Even I'm not really an NMB48's fan...just knowing she's Yuma-kun's beloved little sister made me happy. Just like how I felt about his older sister, Nana. Haha.

Why I'm suddenly want to talk about her?

Well, actually because I just watched this video [⬇] and it makes me want to talk about it..hehe.

Just want to share it.
Come and watch it, UMASTs~

Oh..I wonder what's Nana been up for these days. Huhu. Anyone?

Good Luck Suzu-chan!!!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Nakayama Yuma δΈ­ε±±ε„ͺ馬 ~ My Favorite Songs ~


These days...I've heard that a lot of people have been questioning about Yuma-kun's next song / single / album. Well, yeah. This time it's quite take awhile for his new single. However guys, please do understand. Yuma-kun has been busy with various of things. His career as an artist are not only focus on 'singing'. Although it might be a bit late, I'm sure he's gonna grant our wish as his fans. We're UMASTs, right?

While we're waiting for Yuma-kun's new single, let's talk about his songs up till now. 😎

Say, UMASTs...among all of his songs, which one is your favorite?

As I listed on this video, my top 10 of Yuma-kun's songs are :-
  1. Missing Piece
  2. Feeling Me Softly
  3. YOLO Moment
  4. Aioraito
  5. Kousaten
  6. Mai Koi
  7. High Five
  8. Butterfly
  9. Get Up!
  10. Best Friend
Well, actually...except for the top 3, I don't really sure about the ranking for the songs. Haha. πŸ˜… But, I think, my number 1 song will remain it's place in my heart forever πŸ’–. Why? Because...I started to love Nakayama Yuma because of this song and the drama 'Piece'. That's why...'Missing Piece' will always be my number 1. I think. Hehe.

How about you guys?
Which one is your favorite? πŸ˜ƒ Do share~ 😍

Let's support our prince as an UMASTs!!

- Kina Ayumi.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


 Well, if there's anything I want to's how unfortunately I'm because I can watch this stage play and how good it is if I get the chance to do so. Huhu. However...just watching the cuts of the stage play also quite satisfying for me rather than can't watch anything. Haha.

Anyway, with this stage play ended...Yuma-kun will begin his other journey. Please support him now and forever, UMASTs~ ^^