Friday, January 13, 2017

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my Prince!!!

At last..the D-Day!!!
Hey,'s 13th January~ <3
it's our prince's birthday!!

well, if you ask me what kind of prince is NAKAYAMA YUMA in my mind...I don't think I can answer that. It's quite complicated! He's excellent in everything he, I can't really choose! 😣>_<
but, if I've to choose..then I'll say this :
Nakayama Yuma is Prince of Kansai~'s not that I'm underestimating other kansai's artist..not at all. But I do think that among the kansai artists, Yuma-kun is the most outstanding! hehe..

I realized that years ago Johnny's was all about the Tokyo's..the Kansai jrs was always overshadowed by the Tokyo jrs. But it's kind changed after Yuma-kun joined Johnny's..He's the first one debut among the kansai jrs for his generation (if I'm not mistaken)..He's the one that lead the kansai jr reputation and recognation. And now the kansai's were quite on the same level as the Tokyo's.
And until now I think Yuma-kun is still at the top of the Kansai's.
oh well, this is just my opinion...

"one thing that supported me was the fact that it was “for the sake of the kids in Osaka”. If I got a job, and if something good happened in Kansai, even if it’s just a little bit, maybe I can contribute too." -Nakayama Yuma in 1000 words long interview.

Happy Birthday my Prince!!!!!!
you'll always be my prince now and forever~
whatever you do, we'll always there beside you 

oh is also the day Haunted Campus's DVD release!!! yeah~~~

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