Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Super Junior's comeback makes me realize again why I love Kpop!

Sorry for the suddenly out-of-topic post. This post are unrelated to Yuma-kun but somehow I just need a space to let out my feeling and thought. Huhu. I'm really sorry! πŸ™

You know, before...I love both of Jpop and Kpop evenly. Everyday I'll listen to both of them. But for some time now, I kind of started to abandoned the Kpop's world and just focus on the Jpop. And that's when the so-called '3rd generation idol' begin.


Well..if you ask me why, even I myself not sure why. To begin with, I don't really have any bias groups/idols in Kpop. To be honest, choosing a bias in Kpop are much more difficult than Jpop. For this case, I can give a reason. Hehe.

For the 2nd generation, I can't choose just one of them are because I thought that ALL of them are really great and amazing and that's make me hard to choose just 1 of them. And that's also how I became a multi-fandom; though at that time my interest in Super Junior are a little bit more than the other groups.

As for the 3rd generation...hmm..well just like I mention before, I started to lose interest in them. They ARE amazing and their songs are also good. I do listen to it and I do like it. But not love! Somehow, I just can't bring myself to love them deeply just like how I love the 2nd generation; even for the most famous one right now like Exo and BTS. I'm sorry. Really really sorry. It just that..erm maybe the impact of the 2nd generation on me are too strong. I just can't find a group that can surpassed the senior groups.

Image result for exo and bts

And not to mention the fanwars!
It just too much there that it makes me sicked and annoyed! That's one of the main reason I started to hate Kpop almost to 'Very Much'!

That's how there's only 20% feeling left in me for the Kpop, while the other 80% for Jpop. I listened to Jpop songs everyday (most of them are Yuma's songs of course), while the Kpop I only listened to it once a week or worse once a month. Sorry about that Kpop fans.

But then again, I started to gain interest in Kpop again. After I watched Produce 101, that's it. And that's also when I started to stan the so-called 'monster rookie' of the year 2017, Wanna One. Reasons, again?

Well...because I watched Produce 101, I saw the hardships and struggles of each member and I know the stories behind of each of them. Even their debut makes me feel really proud, happy and sad at the same time. Watching them...I just can't seem to say no to them. And their first MV, lives, Show-con, talks, CFs...all of them are good. Not to mention, all of the group's members are really talented! Vocal, dance, rap..all of them amazed me so much. Since most of time, I focus more in vocal than the dance and rap. But as for this group, all three aspect really got me in heart. Even I'm myself got really surprised!

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But still, I can't say that I've already fall in deeply for them yet. Since they're a new group that just debut last August. Though among the 3rd generation, they're the first one that gain almost all of my interest.

The fanwars actually makes me a bit hesitate to mark this group as my bias. As many Kpop fans may know, the Wanna One's popularity are really high even though they are rookie. But at the same time there's also a lot of controversies around them. The issue about the same theme and colors as the other groups, the issue about the sasaeng fans, even the popularities that the Wanna One achieved even before their official debut...

Then, this month...the King of Kpop; Super Junior, comeback with their new song 'Black Suit'. As I listened to their song, watched their MV, watched the members faces...I started to feel nostalgic about how I felt about Kpop before. About how I started to know them, and how I started to fall in love with them. Their comeback really makes me miss the time when I'm crazy about Kpop.

Image result for super junior black suit

After I watched Black Suit's MV, I started to watched the other SuJu's song's MV again and I listened to them one by one again. Just then I thought, yes...this is the feeling that I felt for Kpop before. Well it's hard to explained it in words, but that's how I felt anyway.

Watching them makes me feel that I should try to love Kpop once again. And coincidentally, Wanna One gonna comeback with a new album '1-1=0 (Nothing Without You)' next week. Maybe with this new album, I may started dive more deeply in their world as well as the Kpop world.

Will Wanna One surpassed my feeling toward Super Junior???
Maybe yes and maybe not. Let just wait for it. Haha.


I'm so sorry about this UMASTs. For suddenly talk about Kpop when this is a very special space and place for our beloved Yuma-kun. Huhu.

Let's all pray so that Yuma-kun will comeback very soon too~ πŸ’—
And who else can't wait for Yuma-kun new movie to aired?!! Please 2018, come quickly~~

Then, see you again!

Kina Ayumi.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

[Trailer 2] Donten ni Warau

The second trailer of Donten ni Warau; Yuma-kun's movie that will aired next year.
Really can't wait to see it! Huhu. Tho I think I've to wait much more longer to watch it since I've to wait for someone to post it in any website and wait for it subbed. Huhuhuhu 😭

But...just watching this trailer makes my heart aches. That scene, Yuma-kun's scene...really got my heart even though it was just for a while. Huhu. Especially when he yell "Anikiii!" Wahhh, Yuma-kun..I feel you~~ 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I've wait for a year for this.
But I think I'm still not prepared to see the crying Yuma-kun in this. Huhu...
I'm hurt seeing him hurt!
