Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Amazing Naka-YUMA, I just read a few of UMAST's opinions and words about Yuma-kun. I just realized that everyone actually have the same reasons for love him, 100% same with me. Haha!

Well, yeah..I think if anyone learn more about him, they will eventually fell in love with him. What's so good about him? What's so interesting about him? What's so amazing about him? What's so superb about him, that I love him sooooo much than the other idols?  There's other artist that is more handsome, more cool, more hot, much better at singing, dancing, acting...and so on...why choose Nakayama Yuma?

There's too much good things about him, if you get to know him, either his inner or outer looks. Want me to tell you each of them?

As for the outer @ looks, well..of course he has a good looking. He is cool. But if you want me to be more accurate..I love his smile more than anything! Somehow, whenever I saw him smiling, I'll end up smiling too..haha! His smile is just tooooo cute and sweet~

As for his abilities and talents..erm..well I think everyone can see that he is very good singer and actor. His voice is unique and sweet. Seriously, I really love his voice~ As for his acting, no more words. There's no way to comment about his acting abilities when his first acting in his first drama, Battery, was so good, even though it was his first time, and he's very young too at that time.

For the dancing, I actually just knew that he's actually not a very good dancer at his early time as junior. Well, just like I told before, I get to know about Yuma-kun late. I know him after his second-single (High Five) was released. Watching him at the Shounen Club, and other programs, singing Missing Piece, High Five, and other songs..I always thought that he's naturally a good dancer, just like how he's naturally a good singer and actor. I'm really surprised when Yuma-kun confessed that he's not really at dancing. I was like..What?! Really?!! It's really hard to believe.

Seeing Yuma-kun now, I know..he's really a hard-working person. It's clearly showed at his dance, if it's true that he's actually not really a good dancer. How much efforts do you think that must be done for him to be like how he's right now? Right?

I actually already wrote his 'amazing thing', in his inner looking. Haha. Yeah, he's a hard-working person.

Other than that, he's really love his family, his friends, and everyone around him. You can see how his older and younger sisters love him, when you see how caring is Nana-chan to him, and how pampered his younger sister to him. I still remember how much I'm crying after read one of his article or interview, that told about his stories before, when, and after debut. There's one part that told about his last night before he went to Tokyo. His younger sister want to sleep with him that night (because it's his last night), and she talked in sleep, while leaned at Yuma-kun - like whispered to him - she asked him not to go to the Tokyo. Yuma-kun said that he's crying after hear that. and so do I..huhu

At the interview also show his love for his friends, but I think I've already told about that at the post before. So I'll skip that part. But the thing that I can say that, he's really care about everyone around him. Yeah, just that.

And not to mention, he was also being loved by the others..His family, of course. Other than that, you can see how Tackey & Tsubasa care about him. That's just one of the example. For more up-level, see how Johnny-san love him. Other people said that Johnny-san favored Yuma-kun more other than the other idols. Maybe. But that's not the reasons he is at his place now. That's not the reasons his name was put infront of the 7-West, nor the BI-Shadow. That's not the reasons he joined Yamada-kun and Chinen-kun in NYC. That's not the reasons for his popularities. Johnny-san just simply love him. Other than that, it's all because of his hard-working!

There's many people that underestimating him, and just judge him with whatever they think is true. That's really makes me upset! For real!!

But Yuma-kun never waver over other peoples word about him, even it's really harsh. He's never ever ever gave up! Even though he said that he never thought and never want to be an idol, but he's really strike all-out for his carrier as an idol.

And what's more...he never felt arrogant with his place right now. He just stay humble, just as how he is before. Never felt superior than the others. He nice at everyone! At the workers, producers, seniors, juniors, friends..even at all of his fans. He nice to them..everyone of them.

The other things that I love about him is that he's always seems to enjoy himself whenever and wherever he perform. Whether at his live concert with Kansai Jr. or at his first solo tour, YOLOze! Tour, or even at the Shonen Club, he always enjoying himself.

Well, there's too much good point in him. So how come I'm not fell in love with him? ^-^

Yuma-kun's abilities growing bigger and bigger every day, even in his singing, dancing, and acting.

I root for you from the bottom of my heart, Yuma-kun~

I hope the number of UMASTs will also grow-up as you're growing more shining day to day~


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